Geometrijski minifikacioni vremenski nizovi generisani modifikovanim negativnim binomnim operatorom
Stojanović, Milena, 1993-
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Autorstvo-Nekomercijalno-Bez prerade 3.0 Srbija (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0)
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Theses Type
Doktorska disertacija
Datum odbrane: 23.09.2024.
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Academic Expertise
Prirodno-matematičke nauke
Academic Title
Univerzitet u Nišu
Prirodno-matematički fakultet
Odsek za matematiku i informatiku
Alternative title
Geometric minification time series models generated by the modified negative binomial operator
[M. S. Stojanović]
[6], 111 listova
Biografija: listovi 110-111
Bibliografija: list [112]
Time series analysis
Abstract (en)
This thesis introduces new minification INAR(1) models. One-dimensional and two-dimensional models are introduced. The models are based upon the modified negative binomial operator. The most important statistical properties of the models are determined. Model parameter estimation is performed using various methods. All the methods are tested on a simulated dataset. An application to a real dataset is presented. Special attention is devoted to the analytical determination of parameter estimates for the one-dimensional minification INAR(1) model, via the application of the maximum likelihood method. An EM algorithm is constructed. The quality of estimates and the speed of the algorithm are tested on a simulated dataset.
Authors Key words
minifikacioni modeli, celobrojni autoregresivni modeli, modifikovani negativni binomni operator, geometrijska marginalna raspodela, EM algoritam
Authors Key words
minification models, integer-valued autoregressive models, modified negative binomial operator, geometric marginal distribution, EM algorithm
Abstract (en)
This thesis introduces new minification INAR(1) models. One-dimensional and two-dimensional models are introduced. The models are based upon the modified negative binomial operator. The most important statistical properties of the models are determined. Model parameter estimation is performed using various methods. All the methods are tested on a simulated dataset. An application to a real dataset is presented. Special attention is devoted to the analytical determination of parameter estimates for the one-dimensional minification INAR(1) model, via the application of the maximum likelihood method. An EM algorithm is constructed. The quality of estimates and the speed of the algorithm are tested on a simulated dataset.
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