Ontologijama vođeno ispitivanje učenika u e-učenju
Radović, Maja, 1980-
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Autorstvo-Nekomercijalno-Bez prerade 3.0 Srbija (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0)
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Theses Type
Doktorska disertacija
Datum odbrane: 17.10.2024.
Other responsibilities
Academic Expertise
Tehničko-tehnološke nauke
Univerzitet u Nišu
Elektronski fakultet
Katedra za računarstvo
Alternative title
Ontology driven e-assessment
[M. M. Radović]
[5], III, 173 lista
Biografija autora: list 170.
Bibliografija: list. 131-145.
Knowledge representation
Abstract (en)
In this dissertation, the e-assessment of students was considered, as well as the possibility of improving the teaching process by applying ontologies. The development of ontologies for different types of questions used in the e-assessment process was studied. Special emphasis is placed on ontology-driven e-assessment that will enable teachers to assess in distance learning conditions and help them reduce their workload during the development of assessment materials, especially for teachers who may not have all the necessary IT skills. In addition to already defined question types such as Multiple Choice Question - MCQ, Extended Matching Questions -EMQ, Comprehensive Integrative Puzzle - CIP, Script Concordance Test - SCT etc, the prerequisite will be enabled for teachers to create new question types by using existing or storing new question ontologies. The improvement of the teaching process was considered in the field of medical education, through several episodes of evaluation that includes formative and summative aspects, so as naturalistic and artificial aspects.
Authors Key words
Ontology, semantic web, e-assessment
Authors Key words
Ontologije, semantički veb, e-ocenjivanje
Abstract (en)
In this dissertation, the e-assessment of students was considered, as well as the possibility of improving the teaching process by applying ontologies. The development of ontologies for different types of questions used in the e-assessment process was studied. Special emphasis is placed on ontology-driven e-assessment that will enable teachers to assess in distance learning conditions and help them reduce their workload during the development of assessment materials, especially for teachers who may not have all the necessary IT skills. In addition to already defined question types such as Multiple Choice Question - MCQ, Extended Matching Questions -EMQ, Comprehensive Integrative Puzzle - CIP, Script Concordance Test - SCT etc, the prerequisite will be enabled for teachers to create new question types by using existing or storing new question ontologies. The improvement of the teaching process was considered in the field of medical education, through several episodes of evaluation that includes formative and summative aspects, so as naturalistic and artificial aspects.
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