Primena histopatoloških promena kao potencijalnih biomarkera u akvatičnoj ekotoksikologiji za procenu toksičnog efekta nanočestica na model organizmu Chironomus riparius
Stojanović, Jelena S.
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Autorstvo-Nekomercijalno-Bez prerade 3.0 Srbija (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0)
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Theses Type
Doktorska disertacija
Datum odbrane: 29.8.2024.
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Academic Expertise
Prirodno-matematičke nauke
Academic Title
Univerzitet u Nišu
Prirodno-matematički fakultet
Odsek za biologiju i ekologiju
Alternative title
Aplication of histopathological changes as potential biomarkers in aquatic ecotoxicology assessment of nanoparticle toxic effect on model organism Chironomus riparius
[J. S. Stojanović]
[16], 159 listova
Biografija autora sa bibliografijom: listovi 154-158.
Bibliografija: listovi 99-136.
Cell and tissue biology and ecotoxicology
Abstract (en)
The aquatic environment is the largest collector of waste, which enters it directly, through dumping and releasing waste, or indirectly, through soil runoff, and wind deposition. This implies the need for detailed research that would contribute to a better understanding of individual pollutant toxicity as well as designing the best mechanisms for risk assessment and defining guidelines and laws on waste management.
In this dissertation, Chironomus riparius was used as a model organism, with histological analysis initially used to describe the normal morphology of the digestive and excretory systems, as well as adipose tissue.
A multi-biomarker approach was used for detecting the toxicity of metal-oxide nanoparticles (TiO2, CeO2, Fe3O4), LCFA, and MP. First, the characterization of the tested particles was done in order to get more information about them. Metal-oxide nanoparticles and MP were described in previous studies, so the original characterization of LCFA particles was done in the dissertation.
An acute test with metal-oxide nanoparticles revealed the high toxicity of nano-Fe3O4 that caused intensive vacuolization of the midgut region I and Malphigian tubules. Nano-CeO2 caused mild vacuolization of Malphigian tubules. Nano-TiO2 provoked the remodeling of fat body tissue and gut epithelium. By analyzing sub-organismal biomarkers in chronic tests, it was revealed that metal oxide nanoparticles and MP have the potential to affect oxidative stress enzymes, while nano-CeO2 and nano-Fe3O4 have also been shown to be genotoxic. LCFA particles affected almost all analyzed parameters.
Microvilli length has been shown to be a parameter that has a strong potential to become a histopathological biomarker that can be used in ecotoxicological studies in the future.
Authors Key words
Chironomus riparius, histology, biomarkers, ecotoxicology, nanoparticles, microplastic, metal oxides, genotoxicity, oxidative stress, hemoglobin, OECD protocols, microvilli
Authors Key words
Chironomus riparius, histologija, biomarkeri, ekotoksikologija, nanočestice, mikroplastika, oksidi metala, genotoksičnost, oksidativni stres, hemoglobin, OECD protokoli, mikrovili
B 003
B 210
Abstract (en)
The aquatic environment is the largest collector of waste, which enters it directly, through dumping and releasing waste, or indirectly, through soil runoff, and wind deposition. This implies the need for detailed research that would contribute to a better understanding of individual pollutant toxicity as well as designing the best mechanisms for risk assessment and defining guidelines and laws on waste management.
In this dissertation, Chironomus riparius was used as a model organism, with histological analysis initially used to describe the normal morphology of the digestive and excretory systems, as well as adipose tissue.
A multi-biomarker approach was used for detecting the toxicity of metal-oxide nanoparticles (TiO2, CeO2, Fe3O4), LCFA, and MP. First, the characterization of the tested particles was done in order to get more information about them. Metal-oxide nanoparticles and MP were described in previous studies, so the original characterization of LCFA particles was done in the dissertation.
An acute test with metal-oxide nanoparticles revealed the high toxicity of nano-Fe3O4 that caused intensive vacuolization of the midgut region I and Malphigian tubules. Nano-CeO2 caused mild vacuolization of Malphigian tubules. Nano-TiO2 provoked the remodeling of fat body tissue and gut epithelium. By analyzing sub-organismal biomarkers in chronic tests, it was revealed that metal oxide nanoparticles and MP have the potential to affect oxidative stress enzymes, while nano-CeO2 and nano-Fe3O4 have also been shown to be genotoxic. LCFA particles affected almost all analyzed parameters.
Microvilli length has been shown to be a parameter that has a strong potential to become a histopathological biomarker that can be used in ecotoxicological studies in the future.
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