Platforma za intrakciju sa društvenim mrežama i Internetom stvari u pametnim gradovima
Ugljanin, Emir 1984-
Copyright date
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Autorstvo-Nekomercijalno-Bez prerade 3.0 Srbija (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0)
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Dozvoljavate samo preuzimanje i distribuciju dela, ako/dok se pravilno naznačava ime autora, bez ikakvih promena dela i bez prava komercijalnog korišćenja dela. Ova licenca je najstroža CC licenca. Osnovni opis Licence: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/rs/deed.sr_LATN. Sadržaj ugovora u celini: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/rs/legalcode.sr-Latn
Theses Type
Doktorska disertacija
Datum odbrane: 05. 09. 2023.
Other responsibilities
član komisije
Stoimenov, Leonid
član komisije
Stojanović, Dragan
član komisije
Predić, Bratislav
član komisije
Marovac, Ulfeta
član komisije
Gostojić, Stevan
Academic Expertise
Prirodno-matematičke nauke
Academic Title
Univerzitet u Nišu
Elektronski fakultet
Katedra za računarstvo
Alternative title
Platform for interaction with social networks and Internet of Things in smart cities
[E. Ugljanin]
[11], 169 lista
Biografija autora: list 169; Bibliografija: listovi 138-150.
Business Information Systems in Smart Cities
Abstract (en)
With aim to allow better communication with its citizens, Smart City
should use social networks more effectively by initiating social actions
and by analyzing collected citizens’ reactions. IoT is also used as a data
source upon which a Smart City would make decisions about its future
actions in physical environment and on social networks, and also, IoT
devices could be adapted and reconfigured as a part of business process
reengineering according to data gathered from social media. This
bidirectional communication with both data sources will be performed
via independent services (connectors), and their management in the
context of smart city to ensure fast reaction in unplanned situations will
be done via reconfigurable microservices. These microservices will be
formally defined and described in shareable and extendable format
based on which they could be instantiated and reconfigured. This
represents the foundation of the B2S4B platform that provides
integration of business processes, social networks and Internet of
Things, that will be evaluated in a Smart City case study.
Authors Key words
Pametni gradovi, Internet stvari, društvene mreže
Authors Key words
Smart city, Internet of things, social networks
Abstract (en)
With aim to allow better communication with its citizens, Smart City
should use social networks more effectively by initiating social actions
and by analyzing collected citizens’ reactions. IoT is also used as a data
source upon which a Smart City would make decisions about its future
actions in physical environment and on social networks, and also, IoT
devices could be adapted and reconfigured as a part of business process
reengineering according to data gathered from social media. This
bidirectional communication with both data sources will be performed
via independent services (connectors), and their management in the
context of smart city to ensure fast reaction in unplanned situations will
be done via reconfigurable microservices. These microservices will be
formally defined and described in shareable and extendable format
based on which they could be instantiated and reconfigured. This
represents the foundation of the B2S4B platform that provides
integration of business processes, social networks and Internet of
Things, that will be evaluated in a Smart City case study.
“Data exchange” service offers individual users metadata transfer in several different formats. Citation formats are offered for transfers in texts as for the transfer into internet pages. Citation formats include permanent links that guarantee access to cited sources. For use are commonly structured metadata schemes : Dublin Core xml and ETUB-MS xml, local adaptation of international ETD-MS scheme intended for use in academic documents.