Uticaj promena fizičke i funkcionalne strukture područja višespratnog stanovanja na kvalitet života stanovnika u uslovima postsocijalističke transformacije na primeru grada Niša
Đekić, Jelena, 1979-
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Autorstvo-Nekomercijalno 3.0 Srbija (CC BY-NC 3.0)
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Doktorska disertacija
Datum odbrane: 26.09.2022.
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član komisije
Živković, Jelena
član komisije
Branković Dinić, Milena
član komisije
Bogdanović Protić, Ivana
Academic Expertise
Prirodno-matematičke nauke
Academic Title
Univerzitet u Nišu
Građevinsko-arhitektonski fakultet
Katedra za urbanizam i prostorno planiranje
Alternative title
The influence of changes in the physical and functional structure of multi-storey residential areas on the quality of life of their residents in the conditions of the post-socialist transformation in the example of the city of Niš
[Ј. P. Đekić]
VIII, 320 listova
Bibliografija: listovi 292-308.
Urbanism and spatial planning
Abstract (en)
After the fall of the socialist regimes in the 1990s, the countries of Central and Eastern Europe began the process of transition from the socialist to the capitalist system, which included political, socio-economic, cultural and other changes, but also changes in the urban structure of cities. Research on the topic of post-socialist transition in Serbia was mainly focused on examining the speed of implementation of political and economic reforms and assessing their impact, while recently research has increasingly focused on transformations of urban structure. Despite growing interest in studying changes in urban structure, a small number of studies deal with the impact of changes in surroundings characteristics on the subjective quality of life of residents.
The doctoral dissertation considers the impact of transformations of the physical and functional structure of multi-storey residential areas in the post-socialist city on the quality of life of its inhabitants. Understanding the nature of post-socialist transformations of multi-storey housing, on the one hand, and understanding the relationship between the characteristics of space and a subjective assessment of the quality of space and the quality of life, on the other, forms the basis for defining guidelines for urban planning and future interventions in multi-storey housing areas in the conditions of delayed transition. Changes in physical and functional structure were investigated on the examples of two characteristic areas of multi-storey housing from the socialist and post-socialist period. A set of measurable indicators was defined for the purpose of assessing the livability of a multi-storey residential area. In relation to the set of measurable indicators, a questionnaire was designed for the purpose of determining the impact of spatial characteristics on the subjective quality of life of residents.
Within the doctoral dissertation, the systematization of the characteristics of multi-storey housing areas from the period of socialism and post-socialism was performed, along with the systematization of post-socialist changes in the physical and functional structure, specific to the multi-storey housing areas in Serbia.
The research showed that the post-socialist development processes in Serbia have influenced and continue to influence changes in the functional and physical structure of the inherited socialist housing estates, as well as the developmental characteristics of newly built multi-storey housing areas. It was confirmed that a connection can be established between the characteristics of the urban environment and the subjective perception of its quality. Also, it was determined that there are certain features of space that are universally important for the quality of life of residents, as well as some other features whose impact varies depending on the place of residence and socio-demographic characteristics.
Authors Key words
kvalitet života, postsocijalističke transformacije,
područja višespratnog stanovanja
Authors Key words
quality of life, post-socialist transformations, multi-storey housing areas
711.4:316.323.72(497.11 Niš)(043.3)
72.012.25:365.4/.48(497.11 Niš)(043.3)
T 240
Abstract (en)
After the fall of the socialist regimes in the 1990s, the countries of Central and Eastern Europe began the process of transition from the socialist to the capitalist system, which included political, socio-economic, cultural and other changes, but also changes in the urban structure of cities. Research on the topic of post-socialist transition in Serbia was mainly focused on examining the speed of implementation of political and economic reforms and assessing their impact, while recently research has increasingly focused on transformations of urban structure. Despite growing interest in studying changes in urban structure, a small number of studies deal with the impact of changes in surroundings characteristics on the subjective quality of life of residents.
The doctoral dissertation considers the impact of transformations of the physical and functional structure of multi-storey residential areas in the post-socialist city on the quality of life of its inhabitants. Understanding the nature of post-socialist transformations of multi-storey housing, on the one hand, and understanding the relationship between the characteristics of space and a subjective assessment of the quality of space and the quality of life, on the other, forms the basis for defining guidelines for urban planning and future interventions in multi-storey housing areas in the conditions of delayed transition. Changes in physical and functional structure were investigated on the examples of two characteristic areas of multi-storey housing from the socialist and post-socialist period. A set of measurable indicators was defined for the purpose of assessing the livability of a multi-storey residential area. In relation to the set of measurable indicators, a questionnaire was designed for the purpose of determining the impact of spatial characteristics on the subjective quality of life of residents.
Within the doctoral dissertation, the systematization of the characteristics of multi-storey housing areas from the period of socialism and post-socialism was performed, along with the systematization of post-socialist changes in the physical and functional structure, specific to the multi-storey housing areas in Serbia.
The research showed that the post-socialist development processes in Serbia have influenced and continue to influence changes in the functional and physical structure of the inherited socialist housing estates, as well as the developmental characteristics of newly built multi-storey housing areas. It was confirmed that a connection can be established between the characteristics of the urban environment and the subjective perception of its quality. Also, it was determined that there are certain features of space that are universally important for the quality of life of residents, as well as some other features whose impact varies depending on the place of residence and socio-demographic characteristics.
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