Algoritmi za brzo aproksimativno spektralno učenje
Trokicić, Aleksandar B., 1989-
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Autorstvo-Nekomercijalno-Bez prerade 3.0 Srbija (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0)
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Theses Type
Doktorska disertacija
Datum odbrane:
Other responsibilities
član komisije
Ćirić, Miroslav
član komisije
Ognjanović, Zoran
član komisije
Janković, Dragan
član komisije
Petković, Marko
Academic Expertise
Prirodno-matematičke nauke
Academic Title
Univerzitet u Nišu
Prirodno-matematički fakultet
Odsek za matematiku i informatiku
Alternative title
Algorithms for fast approximate spectral learning
: doctoral dissertation
[А. B. Тrocikić]
115, [10] listova
Biobibliografija: list. 114-115;
Bibliografija: list. 108-113.
Artificial Intelligence; Machine Learning
Abstract (en)
This thesis presents learning algorithms which use the
information stored in the spectrum (eigenvalues and
eigenvectors) of a matrix derived from the input set. Matrices
in question are graph matrices or kernel matrices. However, the
algorithms which use these matrices have either a quadratic or
cubic time complexity and quadratic memory complexity.
Therefore, in this thesis the algorithms will be presented that
approximate those matrices and reduce the time and memory
complexity to the linear one. Also, these algorithms will be
compared with the other algorithms that solve this problem, and
their empirical and theoretical analysis will be presented.
Authors Key words
klasterovanje, kernel regresija, spektralne metode,
aproksimacija, Nistromova metoda, Laplasova matrica
Authors Key words
clustering, kernel regression, spectral methods, approximation,
Nystrom method, Laplacian matrix
Abstract (en)
This thesis presents learning algorithms which use the
information stored in the spectrum (eigenvalues and
eigenvectors) of a matrix derived from the input set. Matrices
in question are graph matrices or kernel matrices. However, the
algorithms which use these matrices have either a quadratic or
cubic time complexity and quadratic memory complexity.
Therefore, in this thesis the algorithms will be presented that
approximate those matrices and reduce the time and memory
complexity to the linear one. Also, these algorithms will be
compared with the other algorithms that solve this problem, and
their empirical and theoretical analysis will be presented.
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