Jedan pristup međusobnom povezivanju otvorenih podataka e-uprave
Milić, Petar O. 1986-
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Autorstvo-Nekomercijalno-Bez prerade 3.0 Srbija (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0)
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Theses Type
Doktorska disertacija
Datum odbrane: 04.06.2019.
Other responsibilities
Stoimenov, Leonid 1967-
član komisije
Tošić, Milorad
član komisije
Stanimirović, Aleksandar
član komisije
Ivković, Miodrag
član komisije
Ilić, Siniša
Academic Expertise
Tehničko-tehnološke nauke
Univerzitet u Nišu
Elektronski fakultet
Katedra za računarstvo
Alternative title
One approach to mutual relation of the open data in e-government
[P. О. Мilić]
105 lista
Biografija autora: listovi 100-102;
Bibliografija: listovi 87-94.
Abstract (en)
The research subject of this PhD dissertation is presentation of a
model for examination of the metadata which describes open data and
suggestion of the type of a relationship between open datasets on the
basis of given model. Mutual connection of open datasets in
electronic government and detection of the possible relationships
between them is one of the results of research covered by this PhD
dissertation. This PhD dissertation provides an analysis of the current
state in the area of linking open data, ranging from the portals of
electronic government where the data are published, as well as with
other information on the web, then define a model for examination of
the metadata in order to detect possible relationships between the
open datasets and a model for their semantic description. Semantic
description of the relationships between open datasets allows
semantic access to these relationships and their processing in the
appropriate applications. Applying the described model for
examination of the metadata, as a result we obtain proposal of the
type of relationship between two datasets of open data (i.e., parent /
child, relation_to/relation_from and etc.). Another result of the
research presented in this PhD dissertation is development and
definition of indicator which shows the status of the mutual semantic
connection between open datasets, which partially encapsulates
involvement of the user of the platform in process of creation of
mutually connected open datasets in electronic government. It also
presents the architecture of Web application for creation of
relationships between the open datasets based on metadata and
proposed model. The architecture is generalized and applicable on the
open data platforms that have access through the Web API, where are
changing only certain components of the architecture in order to apply
it on other platforms, which contributes to its interoperability. Web
application provides a practical validation of the proposed model for
the mutual connection of open data which confirms the need for the
existence of such an architecture.
Authors Key words
otvoreni podaci, e-uprava, otvorena uprava, povezivanje
otvorenih podataka, metapodaci
Authors Key words
open data, e-government, open government, relation of open data,
Т 120
Abstract (en)
The research subject of this PhD dissertation is presentation of a
model for examination of the metadata which describes open data and
suggestion of the type of a relationship between open datasets on the
basis of given model. Mutual connection of open datasets in
electronic government and detection of the possible relationships
between them is one of the results of research covered by this PhD
dissertation. This PhD dissertation provides an analysis of the current
state in the area of linking open data, ranging from the portals of
electronic government where the data are published, as well as with
other information on the web, then define a model for examination of
the metadata in order to detect possible relationships between the
open datasets and a model for their semantic description. Semantic
description of the relationships between open datasets allows
semantic access to these relationships and their processing in the
appropriate applications. Applying the described model for
examination of the metadata, as a result we obtain proposal of the
type of relationship between two datasets of open data (i.e., parent /
child, relation_to/relation_from and etc.). Another result of the
research presented in this PhD dissertation is development and
definition of indicator which shows the status of the mutual semantic
connection between open datasets, which partially encapsulates
involvement of the user of the platform in process of creation of
mutually connected open datasets in electronic government. It also
presents the architecture of Web application for creation of
relationships between the open datasets based on metadata and
proposed model. The architecture is generalized and applicable on the
open data platforms that have access through the Web API, where are
changing only certain components of the architecture in order to apply
it on other platforms, which contributes to its interoperability. Web
application provides a practical validation of the proposed model for
the mutual connection of open data which confirms the need for the
existence of such an architecture.
“Data exchange” service offers individual users metadata transfer in several different formats. Citation formats are offered for transfers in texts as for the transfer into internet pages. Citation formats include permanent links that guarantee access to cited sources. For use are commonly structured metadata schemes : Dublin Core xml and ETUB-MS xml, local adaptation of international ETD-MS scheme intended for use in academic documents.