Transformacija domova za stare i novi strateški oblici u arhitekturi
Ilić, Marija Z. 1979-
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Autorstvo-Nekomercijalno-Bez prerade 3.0 Srbija (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0)
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Theses Type
Doktorska disertacija
Datum odbrane: 28.11.2018.
Other responsibilities
Stanković, Danica
predsednik komisije
Jovanović, Goran
član komisije
Cekić, Nikola
član komisije
Lojanica, Vladimir
član komisije
Keković, Aleksandar
Academic Expertise
Tehničko-tehnološke nauke
Univerzitet u Nišu
Građevinsko-arhitektonski fakultet
Katedra za urbanizam i prostorno planiranje
Alternative title
Transformation of homes for the elderly and new strategic forms in architecture
[M. Z. Ilić]
[7], 294 lista
Biografija autora sa slikom: listovi 292-294;
Bibliografija: listovi 275-283.
Architecture, interior design
Abstract (en)
The demographic features of Serbia are characterized by an intensive process of
population ageing. At the same time, nursing homes are organizationally, conceptually and
ecourbarchitecturally outdated, lacking in both accommodation capacity and the space
necessary for all the residential functions. Therefore, it is high time a national effort was
aimed at transformation of these facilities. The goal of this paper is to formulate different
guidelines for establishing and defining a concept in designing new elderly care facilities and
reconstructing the existing ones, as well as to introduce innovative forms of dwellings
striving to keep the elderly in their homes as long as possible. The guidelines are a result of
long-standing practice in developed countries around the world: the USA, Sweden, Denmark,
the Netherlands and Finland.
Authors Key words
dom za ostarele osobe, život uz podršku, demencija, korisnik,
korisnička jedinica, dnevni centar
Authors Key words
homes for the elderly, assisted living, dementia, resident, residential
unit, community center for the elderly
Abstract (en)
The demographic features of Serbia are characterized by an intensive process of
population ageing. At the same time, nursing homes are organizationally, conceptually and
ecourbarchitecturally outdated, lacking in both accommodation capacity and the space
necessary for all the residential functions. Therefore, it is high time a national effort was
aimed at transformation of these facilities. The goal of this paper is to formulate different
guidelines for establishing and defining a concept in designing new elderly care facilities and
reconstructing the existing ones, as well as to introduce innovative forms of dwellings
striving to keep the elderly in their homes as long as possible. The guidelines are a result of
long-standing practice in developed countries around the world: the USA, Sweden, Denmark,
the Netherlands and Finland.
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