Uticaj procesnih parametara proizvodnje na strukturu i fizičko-mehanička svojstva teksturiranih poliamidnih pređa
Savić, Marija S.
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Autorstvo-Nekomercijalno-Bez prerade 3.0 Srbija (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0)
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Theses Type
Doktorska disertacija
Datum odbrane: 21.12.2018.
Other responsibilities
Trajković, Dušan
predsednik komisije
Stepanović, Jovan
član komisije
Zafirova, Koleta
član komisije
Ćirković, Nenad
član komisije
Šarac, Tatjana
Academic Expertise
Tehničko-tehnološke nauke
Univerzitet u Nišu
Tehnološki fakultet
Katedra za tekstilne nauke
Alternative title
Influence of the process production parameters on the structure and physical and mechanical properties of textured polyamide yarns
[M. S. Savić]
158 listova
Bibliografija: listovi 125-131.
Textile technology
Abstract (en)
Within the framework of this dissertation, the multiparametric
process of texturing of the partially oriented (POY) polyamide PA6.6
filament was studied, using the process of apparently "false" twisting
- "false twist" in relation to the newly established structure -
mechanical properties and property relations - process parameters. By
introducing all three parameters as the variables, the temperature of
the heaters, the texture rate and the D/Y ratio of the speed of discs
and yarn speed, changes of the modulus of elasticity of textured yarns
and the determined elasticity limits were observed, which is
experimentally difficult to determine. By examining the boundary
mechanical properties, the behavior of polyamide PA6.6 yarns in the
field of elastic deformations was studied, using intermittent force,
intermittent elongation, relative breaking forces, tearing operation and
variation measure for all of these characteristics.
Authors Key words
Teksturirane pređe, brzina teksturiranja, temperatura grejača,
fizičko-mehanička svojstva, stukturne karakteristike
Authors Key words
Textured yarns, texturing speed, heater temperature, physicalmechanical
properties, structural characteristics
T 470
Abstract (en)
Within the framework of this dissertation, the multiparametric
process of texturing of the partially oriented (POY) polyamide PA6.6
filament was studied, using the process of apparently "false" twisting
- "false twist" in relation to the newly established structure -
mechanical properties and property relations - process parameters. By
introducing all three parameters as the variables, the temperature of
the heaters, the texture rate and the D/Y ratio of the speed of discs
and yarn speed, changes of the modulus of elasticity of textured yarns
and the determined elasticity limits were observed, which is
experimentally difficult to determine. By examining the boundary
mechanical properties, the behavior of polyamide PA6.6 yarns in the
field of elastic deformations was studied, using intermittent force,
intermittent elongation, relative breaking forces, tearing operation and
variation measure for all of these characteristics.
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