Holomorfno projektivna preslikavanja generalisanih hiperboličkih Kelerovih prostora i uopštenja
Petrović, Miloš Z. 1989-
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Autorstvo-Nekomercijalno-Bez prerade 3.0 Srbija (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0)
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Theses Type
Doktorska disertacija
Datum odbrane: 03.10.2017.
Other responsibilities
Stanković, Mića 1965-
član komisije
Stanimirović, Predrag 1959-
član komisije
Velimirović, Ljubica 1955-
član komisije
Rakić, Zoran
član komisije
Zlatanović, Milan 1984-
Academic Expertise
Prirodno-matematičke nauke
Academic Title
Univerzitet u Nišu
Prirodno-matematički fakultet
Odsek za matematiku i informatiku
Alternative title
Holomorphically projective mappings of generalized hyperbolic Kahler spaces and generalizations
[M. Z. Petrović]
VI, 108 listova
Spisak naučnih radova autora: list 108
Biografija: list 107
Lista imena: list 106.
Differential geometry
Abstract (en)
The thesis deals with manifolds with non-symmetric linear
connection, analyzes the properties of such manifolds with
respect to various mappings, but also discovers new manifolds
endowed with additional structures and examines their properties.
In such manner the thesis represents a continuation of
investigation on manifolds with non-symmetric linear connection.
Also, the thesis is a continuation of investigation in the field of
the mappings of manifolds with non-symmetric linear
connection, as well as infinitesimal deformations of such
manifolds. Particularly, generalized hyperbolic Kahler spaces are
defined as special generalized Riemannian spaces and
holomorphically projective mappings between such spaces are
considered. Manifolds with non-symmetric linear connection
admits five linearly independent curvature tensors. By using these
curvature tensors it is possible to consider geometric objects of
manifolds with non-symmetric linear connection which are
invariant with respect to various mappings.
Authors Key words
generalisani hiperbolički Kelerov prostor, generalisani
Rimanov prostor, holomorfno projektivno preslikavanje, skoro
geodezaijsko preslikavanje, nesimetrična linearna koneksija,
tenzor krivine, invarijantni geometrijski objekt
Authors Key words
generalized hyperbolic Kahler space, generalized Riemannian
space, holomorphically projective mapping, almost geodesic
mapping, non-symmetric linear connection, curvature tensor,
invariant geometric object
P 150
Elektronska teza
Abstract (en)
The thesis deals with manifolds with non-symmetric linear
connection, analyzes the properties of such manifolds with
respect to various mappings, but also discovers new manifolds
endowed with additional structures and examines their properties.
In such manner the thesis represents a continuation of
investigation on manifolds with non-symmetric linear connection.
Also, the thesis is a continuation of investigation in the field of
the mappings of manifolds with non-symmetric linear
connection, as well as infinitesimal deformations of such
manifolds. Particularly, generalized hyperbolic Kahler spaces are
defined as special generalized Riemannian spaces and
holomorphically projective mappings between such spaces are
considered. Manifolds with non-symmetric linear connection
admits five linearly independent curvature tensors. By using these
curvature tensors it is possible to consider geometric objects of
manifolds with non-symmetric linear connection which are
invariant with respect to various mappings.
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