Poslovna infrastuktura kao instrument nove industrijske politike Republike Srbije
Kostadinović, Ivana S. 1982-
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Autorstvo-Nekomercijalno-Bez prerade 3.0 Srbija (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0)
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Doktorska disertacija
Datum odbrane: 19.10.2016.
Other responsibilities
Gligorijević, Živorad
član komisije
Aranđelović, Zoran
član komisije
Veselinović, Petar
Academic Expertise
Društveno-humanističke nauke
Univerzitet u Nišu
Ekonomski fakultet
Katedra za ekonomiku i organizaciju preduzeća
Alternative title
Business infrastructure as an instrument of the new industrial policy of the Republic of Serbia
[I. S. Kostadinović]
[19], 313 listova
Biografija [autora]: listovi [314-315]
Economic Development and Economic Policy
Abstract (en)
The economic transformation of the Republic of Serbia that
now lasts more than two decades has, due to numerous problems that
arose in the previously mentioned period, resulted in numerous
negative effects. Some of those such as deindustrialization and a
drastic drop in the partake of industry in the country’s GDP have
turned out to be the greatest problems as they demanded immediate
attention. Furthermore, Serbia had to deal with problems that were a
direct consequence of the global economic crisis in the first decade of
this century. This is why the creators of the economic policy in Serbia
have formulated a new industrial policy,which, besides its main goal
– reindustrialization, has another and that is to be in line with the new
concept of industrial policy of the European Union, defined in the
Lisbon Strategy. Moreover, Serbia had to adjust its aims, instruments
and measures of this new industrial policy to the global economic
surrounding and current market mechanisms.
The process of globalization which brings about the birth of a
great number of global corporations, forces small and medium-sized
enterprises to connect and form networks. That being said, the
industrial policy of the Republic of Serbia, is more than anything else,
directed towards creating a better business environment for the
previously mentioned enterprises. The policy aims at developing
competitiveness, enhancement of research and progress, cooperation
and integration as well as making way for structural adjustments.
An important element in the creation and enhancement of a
favorable business environment for small and medium-sized
enterprises is the business infrastructure it being a modern form of
internal organization of industry production, i.e. a form of partial
integration in the industry. This is exactly why the development of a
modern business infrastructure has become an important element of
this, new industrial policy. It stands for application of a series of
measures and practical policies by public institutions in order to
create a favorable and a supportive environment in which the already
existing small and medium-sized enterprises can grow and new can be
The main aim of this research is to analyze the most important
elements of a business infrastructure such as business incubators,
clusters, free zones and science and technology parks in order to show
how much these have contributed to implementation of the new
industrial policy of the Republic of Serbia which in itself, has the aim
of developing competitiveness of the industry and whole of the
country’s economy.
The development of business infrastructure in Serbia thus far
shows that certain progress has been made but that in time that is
ahead of us, we need more careful and better planning of development
of certain elements of business infrastructure and continuous
monitoring of the needs and requirements of small and medium-sized
businesses. Furthermore, special attention should be placed on the
quality of development of elements of business infrastructure as this
is the only way to achieve significant results.
Authors Key words
razvoj industrije, nova industrijska politika Republike
Srbije, nova industrijska politika Evropske unije, mala i
srednja preduzeća, poslovna infrastruktura, poslovni
inkubatori, klasteri, slobodne zone, naučno-tehnološki
Authors Key words
industry development, new industrial policy of the Republic of
Serbia, new industrial policy of the EU, small and medium-sized
businesses, business infrastructure, business incubators, clusters, free
zones, science and technology parks
S 180
Elektronska teza
Abstract (en)
The economic transformation of the Republic of Serbia that
now lasts more than two decades has, due to numerous problems that
arose in the previously mentioned period, resulted in numerous
negative effects. Some of those such as deindustrialization and a
drastic drop in the partake of industry in the country’s GDP have
turned out to be the greatest problems as they demanded immediate
attention. Furthermore, Serbia had to deal with problems that were a
direct consequence of the global economic crisis in the first decade of
this century. This is why the creators of the economic policy in Serbia
have formulated a new industrial policy,which, besides its main goal
– reindustrialization, has another and that is to be in line with the new
concept of industrial policy of the European Union, defined in the
Lisbon Strategy. Moreover, Serbia had to adjust its aims, instruments
and measures of this new industrial policy to the global economic
surrounding and current market mechanisms.
The process of globalization which brings about the birth of a
great number of global corporations, forces small and medium-sized
enterprises to connect and form networks. That being said, the
industrial policy of the Republic of Serbia, is more than anything else,
directed towards creating a better business environment for the
previously mentioned enterprises. The policy aims at developing
competitiveness, enhancement of research and progress, cooperation
and integration as well as making way for structural adjustments.
An important element in the creation and enhancement of a
favorable business environment for small and medium-sized
enterprises is the business infrastructure it being a modern form of
internal organization of industry production, i.e. a form of partial
integration in the industry. This is exactly why the development of a
modern business infrastructure has become an important element of
this, new industrial policy. It stands for application of a series of
measures and practical policies by public institutions in order to
create a favorable and a supportive environment in which the already
existing small and medium-sized enterprises can grow and new can be
The main aim of this research is to analyze the most important
elements of a business infrastructure such as business incubators,
clusters, free zones and science and technology parks in order to show
how much these have contributed to implementation of the new
industrial policy of the Republic of Serbia which in itself, has the aim
of developing competitiveness of the industry and whole of the
country’s economy.
The development of business infrastructure in Serbia thus far
shows that certain progress has been made but that in time that is
ahead of us, we need more careful and better planning of development
of certain elements of business infrastructure and continuous
monitoring of the needs and requirements of small and medium-sized
businesses. Furthermore, special attention should be placed on the
quality of development of elements of business infrastructure as this
is the only way to achieve significant results.
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