Primena koncepta individualizacije u stambenoj arhitekturi u kontekstu unapređenja kvaliteta višeporodičnog stanovanja u Srbiji
Stoiljković, Branislava P. 1973-
Copyright date
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Autorstvo 3.0 Srbija (CC BY 3.0)
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Theses Type
Doktorska disertacija
Datum odbrane: 08.10.2015.
Other responsibilities
Jovanović, Goran 1954-
član komisije
Mitković, Petar
član komisije
Lojanica, Vladimir
Academic Expertise
Prirodno-matematičke nauke
Academic Title
Univerzitet u Nišu
Građevinsko-arhitektonski fakultet
Katedra za konstukcije i konstrukcijske sisteme arhitektonskih objekata
Alternative title
Na spor. nasl. str. Implementation of the housing architecture individualization concept in the context of improvement of multy-family housing quality in Serbia
[B. P. Stoiljković]
[12], 176, [CXL] listova
Architectural Design
Abstract (en)
This paper deals with the research of the potential of improvement of multifamily
housing quality, by implementing the individualization concept in housing
architecture. The thesis is a continuation of the research conducted in the framework of the
master thesis "Contemporary tendencies in housing architecture: towards individualization of
multi-family housing" and represents its further elaboration and improvement.
The advantages of a single-family housing, and disadvantages of the multi-family housing
lead to considering the individual family housing a more quality and more humane type of
housing, and it has always been a desire of most of the people. Yet, further research of one
and the other type of housing reveals a complex mixture of advantages and disadvantages, so
the need for the concept representing synergy of advantages of one and the other type -
synthesis of a house and an apartment has arisen. The concept of individualization in the
housing architecture comprises a broad and comprehensive approach which refers to the
identification of those characteristics of single-family housing whose application in the multifamily housing will contribute to the increase of the degree of its individuality, and thus to
the improvement of its quality.
The basic goal of this research is a scientific explanation of the individualization concept as a
contemporary tendency in housing architecture and determination of theoretical and practical
models of implementation of this concept for the purpose of improvement of multi-family
housing in Serbia.
The research starts from the working hypothesis comprising that defining of the way in which
the individualization of multi-family housing is related to the housing quality bears a special
importance in the process of identification of appropriate models of improvement of
architectural organization of multi-family housing, i.e. that the degree of individualization of
multi-family housing is the directly defining conditioning the quality of housing.
The complexity of the problem dealt with by this research, as well as the multi-disciplinary
basis of the research, call for an implementation of the complex scientific apparatus
consisting of several research methods: basic scientific methods (analysis, synthesis,
classification, induction and deduction), general scientific methods (methods of modeling and
comparison) and methods and techniques of data acquisition (empirical knowledge method,
case study and survey).
For several decades, in the developed courtiers, and increasingly in the neighboring countries
in the recent period, there has been high awareness of all the actors in planning and
construction of multi-family housing buildings of the importance of individualization for this
type of housing. Separation, isolation, seclusion and anonymity of users (needs characterizing
contemporary urban housing) are demands for individualization in the fundamental sense.
However, in a broader sense, individualization means recognition and analysis of all the
characteristics of single-family housing which render it an attractive and desirable form of
housing, and their implementation in the multi-family housing. Separate entrances to the
apartments, large open areas belonging to them, organization of housing units in several
levels, planning for the areas intended for mutual interaction of the residents are only some of
them. The qualities of a single-family, within multi-family housing are achieved by
implementing the modality of functional, spatial and formal organization of housing units and
their environment present in the single-family housing.
In Serbia nowadays, it is necessary to comprehensively approach the improvement of the
quality of multi-family housing. Apart from the changes of economic-political and socialcultural
conditions, which are out of the scope of direct action of the architects, it is necessary
to change the designing approach but also the corresponding legal regulations. By
implementing the individualization concept, acceptable housing densities in the city can be
combined, as well as other advantage of multi-family housing and an always present desire
for individuality and living in one’s own house, which would make multi-family housing a
preferred form of housing. The research conducted within this paper indicates what is the
users’ opinion and what their wishes are, when it comes to the individualization of multifamily
housing - the tenants recognize the modalities of individualization, and reach
affirmatively and create the priority lists when choosing their housing. Nevertheless, when it
comes to the implementation of this concept, the codes, regulations, and standards which
regulate the areas of housing building designing and housing districts arrangement should
also be modernized, in several terms. In order for the architects to increasingly implement
individualization modalities in the future designing of multi-family housing, it is necessary
that they have the legal regulations support, which would provide a better understanding by
the investors. In such conditions, the housing quality will certainly by improved, and thus, the
users will be more satisfied.
Multi-family housing is a necessary choice if increasing number of people is to be
accommodated in the cities in a sustainable manner. This research indicates that the
application of the individualization concept in the housing architecture - or the development
of the model of single-family houses in multi-family housing - is a extremely useful approach
of the growing problem of lacking housing space, sprawl of cities, need to affirm own
individuality, etc. It suggests combining and modification of already known types and forms
of single-family and multi-family housing construction and indicates that solutions within
multi-family housing, which apart from their own, use the advantages of the single familyones,
provide potential for individualization, humanization and improvement of the quality of
this type of housing.
Authors Key words
porodično stanovanje, višeporodično stanovanje, kvalitet, savremene
tendencije, modaliteti individualizacije, zakonska regulativa
Authors Key words
single-family housing, multi-family housing, quality, contemporary
tendencies, modalities of individualization, legal regulations
T 240
Elektronska teza
Abstract (en)
This paper deals with the research of the potential of improvement of multifamily
housing quality, by implementing the individualization concept in housing
architecture. The thesis is a continuation of the research conducted in the framework of the
master thesis "Contemporary tendencies in housing architecture: towards individualization of
multi-family housing" and represents its further elaboration and improvement.
The advantages of a single-family housing, and disadvantages of the multi-family housing
lead to considering the individual family housing a more quality and more humane type of
housing, and it has always been a desire of most of the people. Yet, further research of one
and the other type of housing reveals a complex mixture of advantages and disadvantages, so
the need for the concept representing synergy of advantages of one and the other type -
synthesis of a house and an apartment has arisen. The concept of individualization in the
housing architecture comprises a broad and comprehensive approach which refers to the
identification of those characteristics of single-family housing whose application in the multifamily housing will contribute to the increase of the degree of its individuality, and thus to
the improvement of its quality.
The basic goal of this research is a scientific explanation of the individualization concept as a
contemporary tendency in housing architecture and determination of theoretical and practical
models of implementation of this concept for the purpose of improvement of multi-family
housing in Serbia.
The research starts from the working hypothesis comprising that defining of the way in which
the individualization of multi-family housing is related to the housing quality bears a special
importance in the process of identification of appropriate models of improvement of
architectural organization of multi-family housing, i.e. that the degree of individualization of
multi-family housing is the directly defining conditioning the quality of housing.
The complexity of the problem dealt with by this research, as well as the multi-disciplinary
basis of the research, call for an implementation of the complex scientific apparatus
consisting of several research methods: basic scientific methods (analysis, synthesis,
classification, induction and deduction), general scientific methods (methods of modeling and
comparison) and methods and techniques of data acquisition (empirical knowledge method,
case study and survey).
For several decades, in the developed courtiers, and increasingly in the neighboring countries
in the recent period, there has been high awareness of all the actors in planning and
construction of multi-family housing buildings of the importance of individualization for this
type of housing. Separation, isolation, seclusion and anonymity of users (needs characterizing
contemporary urban housing) are demands for individualization in the fundamental sense.
However, in a broader sense, individualization means recognition and analysis of all the
characteristics of single-family housing which render it an attractive and desirable form of
housing, and their implementation in the multi-family housing. Separate entrances to the
apartments, large open areas belonging to them, organization of housing units in several
levels, planning for the areas intended for mutual interaction of the residents are only some of
them. The qualities of a single-family, within multi-family housing are achieved by
implementing the modality of functional, spatial and formal organization of housing units and
their environment present in the single-family housing.
In Serbia nowadays, it is necessary to comprehensively approach the improvement of the
quality of multi-family housing. Apart from the changes of economic-political and socialcultural
conditions, which are out of the scope of direct action of the architects, it is necessary
to change the designing approach but also the corresponding legal regulations. By
implementing the individualization concept, acceptable housing densities in the city can be
combined, as well as other advantage of multi-family housing and an always present desire
for individuality and living in one’s own house, which would make multi-family housing a
preferred form of housing. The research conducted within this paper indicates what is the
users’ opinion and what their wishes are, when it comes to the individualization of multifamily
housing - the tenants recognize the modalities of individualization, and reach
affirmatively and create the priority lists when choosing their housing. Nevertheless, when it
comes to the implementation of this concept, the codes, regulations, and standards which
regulate the areas of housing building designing and housing districts arrangement should
also be modernized, in several terms. In order for the architects to increasingly implement
individualization modalities in the future designing of multi-family housing, it is necessary
that they have the legal regulations support, which would provide a better understanding by
the investors. In such conditions, the housing quality will certainly by improved, and thus, the
users will be more satisfied.
Multi-family housing is a necessary choice if increasing number of people is to be
accommodated in the cities in a sustainable manner. This research indicates that the
application of the individualization concept in the housing architecture - or the development
of the model of single-family houses in multi-family housing - is a extremely useful approach
of the growing problem of lacking housing space, sprawl of cities, need to affirm own
individuality, etc. It suggests combining and modification of already known types and forms
of single-family and multi-family housing construction and indicates that solutions within
multi-family housing, which apart from their own, use the advantages of the single familyones,
provide potential for individualization, humanization and improvement of the quality of
this type of housing.
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