Istraživanje alternativnih pogona motornih vozila
Marjanović, Zoran M.
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Autorstvo-Nekomercijalno 3.0 Srbija (CC BY-NC 3.0)
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Theses Type
Doktorska disertacija
Datum odbrane: 18.09.2015.
Other responsibilities
Raos, Miomir
član komisije
Nikolić, Vlastimir
član komisije
Janković, Aleksandra
član komisije
Živković, Ljiljana
član komisije
Živković, Nenad
Academic Expertise
Tehničko-tehnološke nauke
Univerzitet u Nišu
Fakultet zaštite na radu
Katedra za sistemska istraživanja bezbednosti i rizika
Alternative title
Research of alternative motor vehicle propulsion systems
[Z. Marjanović]
[10], 206 listova
Biografija autora: list 203
Energy processes and protection
Abstract (en)
Ecology problems of transport appertain „first class“ pollution in urban
environment. The forecast about the reserves of crude petroleum have always imposed the
need for intensified researches on substitution of conventional mineral fuels.
The term „lternative fuels“ is primarily connected with the IC engine and it has developed
because of long lasting strict use of petroleum fuels as primary fuels for its drive. If the
problem is generalized to the area of motor vehicles, then we can discuss alternative (hybrid)
drives, that, beside IC engine as a drive unit, also include electric motor. Applicability of the
use of some fuel is rated: by the quality of its energetic transformation through the process of
obtainment of work, which directly defines output performance of the drive unit, by
production cost, by suitability and safety of transport, storage and manipulation, by natural
resourses of raw materials for its obtainment and by its toxic characteristics.
The current state and possible perspectives by using motor vehicles alternative drives are
analyzed in this paper. The most frequently currently used alternative drives/fuels: electric
drive, hybrid drive, liquid petroleum gas, natural gas, bio-diesel, ethanol and methanol are
observed. It are showed an example computer simulation (in Matlab) of a complex hybrid
electric vehicle in two different driving modes. simulated hybrid electric vehicle is of
combined type, similar to Toyota Prius cars. Also, in paper are presented an economic (costbenefit)
analysis of different introduction strategies, as well as different elements thereof, for
different kinds motor vehicles alternative drives. A cost-benefit analysis is undertaken for
increasing the number of various kinds of motor vehicles alternative drives in the Serbian
transport sector.
Authors Key words
životna sredina, zagađenje, alternativno gorivo/pogon, modeliranje
Authors Key words
human environment, pollution, alternative fuel/drive, modeling
Elektronska teza
Abstract (en)
Ecology problems of transport appertain „first class“ pollution in urban
environment. The forecast about the reserves of crude petroleum have always imposed the
need for intensified researches on substitution of conventional mineral fuels.
The term „lternative fuels“ is primarily connected with the IC engine and it has developed
because of long lasting strict use of petroleum fuels as primary fuels for its drive. If the
problem is generalized to the area of motor vehicles, then we can discuss alternative (hybrid)
drives, that, beside IC engine as a drive unit, also include electric motor. Applicability of the
use of some fuel is rated: by the quality of its energetic transformation through the process of
obtainment of work, which directly defines output performance of the drive unit, by
production cost, by suitability and safety of transport, storage and manipulation, by natural
resourses of raw materials for its obtainment and by its toxic characteristics.
The current state and possible perspectives by using motor vehicles alternative drives are
analyzed in this paper. The most frequently currently used alternative drives/fuels: electric
drive, hybrid drive, liquid petroleum gas, natural gas, bio-diesel, ethanol and methanol are
observed. It are showed an example computer simulation (in Matlab) of a complex hybrid
electric vehicle in two different driving modes. simulated hybrid electric vehicle is of
combined type, similar to Toyota Prius cars. Also, in paper are presented an economic (costbenefit)
analysis of different introduction strategies, as well as different elements thereof, for
different kinds motor vehicles alternative drives. A cost-benefit analysis is undertaken for
increasing the number of various kinds of motor vehicles alternative drives in the Serbian
transport sector.
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