Vaspitni stil roditelja u kontekstu porodične funkcionalnosti i stresa roditeljske uloge
Vuković, Snežana R.
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Autorstvo-Nekomercijalno-Deliti pod istim uslovima 3.0 Srbija (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0)
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Theses Type
Doktorska disertacija
Datum odbrane: 10.11.2015.
Other responsibilities
Matejević, Marina 1960-
član komisije
Jovanović, Branko 1948-
član komisije
Todorović, Jelisaveta 1960-
član komisije
Anđelković, Vesna
Academic Expertise
Društveno-humanističke nauke
Univerzitet u Nišu
Filozofski fakultet
Departman za pedagogiju
Alternative title
Parenting style in the context of family functioning and parental stress
[S. Vuković]
194 listova
Prilozi: listovi 177-194
Family pedagogy
Abstract (en)
The purpose of this paper is to study the parenting styles of parents and their
correlation with parental stress, family functioning and own perception of parental role, using
a family systems approach by which a family is viewed as a system consisting of a number of
subsystems which interact and have a feedback mechanism. Having in mind the nature of the
matter, the research used scaling as a research technique and scales as instruments of such
research technique. For purposes of determining the parenting styles of parents, the Parenting
Styles and Dimensions Questionnaire – PSQD (Robinson, C. C. Mandleco, B., Olsen, S. F.,
&Hart, C. H. , 2001) scale was used. Also used were the questionnaires measuring both
partner’s and own parenting style. Evaluation of family dimension and family flexibility has
been made using the six scales within FACES IV (Family Adaptability and Cohesion Scales
IV), by Olson & Gorall, designed as self-report assessment of Circumplex Model of Marital
and Family Systems. The study of parental stress used the Parental Stress Scale (Berry, J. O.
& Jones, W. H, 1995). The study sample included a total of 164 families (mother, father,
child), with a total number of respondents in the study being 492, among which 50 families
were from Belgrade and 114 from Kruševac, with all 164 students being 12 to 18 years of
The results of the study presented in the empirical section of the paper show that
dysfunctional patterns are the predictors of parental stress, which serves to validate the
systems perspective used as basis for this study. The patterns of family functioning are
reflected on parental stress, and the parental stress in turn impacts the parenting style. The
overall conclusion of the study is that functional and dysfunctional family relations, as well
as existence or absence of perception of parental stress, largely determine the parenting style,
whereas the sociodemographic parameters do not significantly contribute to it. We have not
verified the assumption that fathers and mothers have different levels of stress, or that
mothers exhibit a higher perception of stress. Authoritarian style of the mother is related to
the intensity of the stress, and the authoritative parenting style of both parents is related to
balanced cohesion and flexibility in parents. Findings of this study show that functional and
dysfunctional family relations, as well as existence or absence of perception of parental
stress, largely determine the parenting style, which validates the systems perspective.
Predictors of parenting style include patterns of family functioning, as well as parental stress,
by which we have validated the Olson’s model where the family functioning reflects on
parental stress and together they reflect on parenting style.
Authors Key words
Vaspitni stilovi, Obrasci porodičnog funkcionisanja, Stres,
Stres roditeljske uloge
Authors Key words
Parenting styles, patterns of family functioning, stress, parental stress
Abstract (en)
The purpose of this paper is to study the parenting styles of parents and their
correlation with parental stress, family functioning and own perception of parental role, using
a family systems approach by which a family is viewed as a system consisting of a number of
subsystems which interact and have a feedback mechanism. Having in mind the nature of the
matter, the research used scaling as a research technique and scales as instruments of such
research technique. For purposes of determining the parenting styles of parents, the Parenting
Styles and Dimensions Questionnaire – PSQD (Robinson, C. C. Mandleco, B., Olsen, S. F.,
&Hart, C. H. , 2001) scale was used. Also used were the questionnaires measuring both
partner’s and own parenting style. Evaluation of family dimension and family flexibility has
been made using the six scales within FACES IV (Family Adaptability and Cohesion Scales
IV), by Olson & Gorall, designed as self-report assessment of Circumplex Model of Marital
and Family Systems. The study of parental stress used the Parental Stress Scale (Berry, J. O.
& Jones, W. H, 1995). The study sample included a total of 164 families (mother, father,
child), with a total number of respondents in the study being 492, among which 50 families
were from Belgrade and 114 from Kruševac, with all 164 students being 12 to 18 years of
The results of the study presented in the empirical section of the paper show that
dysfunctional patterns are the predictors of parental stress, which serves to validate the
systems perspective used as basis for this study. The patterns of family functioning are
reflected on parental stress, and the parental stress in turn impacts the parenting style. The
overall conclusion of the study is that functional and dysfunctional family relations, as well
as existence or absence of perception of parental stress, largely determine the parenting style,
whereas the sociodemographic parameters do not significantly contribute to it. We have not
verified the assumption that fathers and mothers have different levels of stress, or that
mothers exhibit a higher perception of stress. Authoritarian style of the mother is related to
the intensity of the stress, and the authoritative parenting style of both parents is related to
balanced cohesion and flexibility in parents. Findings of this study show that functional and
dysfunctional family relations, as well as existence or absence of perception of parental
stress, largely determine the parenting style, which validates the systems perspective.
Predictors of parenting style include patterns of family functioning, as well as parental stress,
by which we have validated the Olson’s model where the family functioning reflects on
parental stress and together they reflect on parenting style.
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