Analiza i ocena održivog razvoja energetskog sistema u zgradarstvu : doktorska disertacija
Vučićević, Biljana S. 1969-
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Autorstvo-Nekomercijalno-Deliti pod istim uslovima 3.0 Srbija (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0)
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Doktorska disertacija
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član komisije
Stojiljković, Mladen 1951-
član komisije
Blagojević, Bratislav
član komisije
Todorović, Maja 1971-
član komisije
Stefanović, Gordana
član komisije
Jovanović, Marina
Academic Expertise
Tehničko-tehnološke nauke
Univerzitet u Nišu
Mašinski fakultet
Katedra za termotehniku, termoenergetiku i procesnu tehniku
Title translated
Analysis and evaluation of sustainable development of the energy systems in buildings
Niš : [B. S. Vučićević]
PDF/A (205 listova)
Umnoženo za odbranu.
Univerzitet u Nišu, Mašinski fakultet, 2014.
Bibliografija: listovi 131-141.
Napomene uz tekst.
Prilozi: listovi 142-182.
Rezime ; Summary.
Abstract (en)
Cities are very high populated urban areas and consequently very large consumers of final
energy. Their main characteristic is the largest share in energy consumed by residential
building sector. Therefore, paying attention to the energy use assessment in residential
building sector, at the same time with assessing quality of living, is especially important.
Indicators of sustainable development represent essential characteristics for evaluating energy
consumption and living quality in residential buildings.
In this paper qualitative characterization of the considered objects is performed based on the
period of construction (1946-1980 and 1981-2006), type of heating system (electricity,
district heating and fossil fuels) and type of object (single family houses and apartments) for
the city of Belgrade. Representative sample was taken into account and, based on the
qualitative characterization, divided in nine subgroups (options). Eleven economic, social and
environmental subindicators were selected and calculated for all chosen options to present
energy consumption necessary to meet the needs of occupants for space heating, hot water
production, cooking, household electrical appliances, indoor air quality, living space, etc.
Multicriteria analysis, having application in decision making policies, was used to evaluate
sustainability of different residential options through sustainability index calculation. This
mathematical procedure was conducted by agglomeration of normalized subindicators´
values into economic, environmental and social indicators (first level) and agglomeration of
indicators into sustainability index (second level).
In order to investigate the effect of nonlinearity on the sub-indicators' agglomeration, the
change in nonlinearity was introduced in the procedure. Normalized sub-indicators are
obtained by selection of the appropriate linear (θ1= θ2=... =θ11=1) or non-linear parameters
(θ1, θ2,..., θ11; θj≠1). Sustainability index and it´s standard deviation were calculated for
different values of the parameter θ and each option. The functional dependence between the
sustainability index and the associated standard deviation of the θ parameter (characterizing
the way of normalization) was obtained.
Authors Key words
Potrošnja energije, Grejanje, indeks održivosti, nelinearna normalizacija, fazi logika
Authors Key words
Sustainability index
Elektronska teza
Abstract (en)
Cities are very high populated urban areas and consequently very large consumers of final
energy. Their main characteristic is the largest share in energy consumed by residential
building sector. Therefore, paying attention to the energy use assessment in residential
building sector, at the same time with assessing quality of living, is especially important.
Indicators of sustainable development represent essential characteristics for evaluating energy
consumption and living quality in residential buildings.
In this paper qualitative characterization of the considered objects is performed based on the
period of construction (1946-1980 and 1981-2006), type of heating system (electricity,
district heating and fossil fuels) and type of object (single family houses and apartments) for
the city of Belgrade. Representative sample was taken into account and, based on the
qualitative characterization, divided in nine subgroups (options). Eleven economic, social and
environmental subindicators were selected and calculated for all chosen options to present
energy consumption necessary to meet the needs of occupants for space heating, hot water
production, cooking, household electrical appliances, indoor air quality, living space, etc.
Multicriteria analysis, having application in decision making policies, was used to evaluate
sustainability of different residential options through sustainability index calculation. This
mathematical procedure was conducted by agglomeration of normalized subindicators´
values into economic, environmental and social indicators (first level) and agglomeration of
indicators into sustainability index (second level).
In order to investigate the effect of nonlinearity on the sub-indicators' agglomeration, the
change in nonlinearity was introduced in the procedure. Normalized sub-indicators are
obtained by selection of the appropriate linear (θ1= θ2=... =θ11=1) or non-linear parameters
(θ1, θ2,..., θ11; θj≠1). Sustainability index and it´s standard deviation were calculated for
different values of the parameter θ and each option. The functional dependence between the
sustainability index and the associated standard deviation of the θ parameter (characterizing
the way of normalization) was obtained.
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