Kvalitet poslova u Srbiji: obrasci alokacije zaposlenih i segmentacija tržišta rada
Nikolajević, Aleksandra Z., 1990-
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Autorstvo-Nekomercijalno 3.0 Srbija (CC BY-NC 3.0)
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Theses Type
Doktorska disertacija
Datum odbrane: 15.12.2023.
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Academic Expertise
Društveno-humanističke nauke
Univerzitet u Nišu
Filozofski fakultet
Departman za sociologiju
Alternative title
Job quality in Serbia: employee allocation patterns and labor market segmentation
[A. Z. Nikolajević]
222 lista
Biografija autora: list 221-222.
Bibliografija: list 208-217.
Sociology of Work
Abstract (sr)
In this dissertation, labor market inequalities in Serbia have been analyzed
by identifying segments - non-competitive zones of the labor market
composed of jobs of different quality to which groups of workers with different
characteristics have access with unequal probabilities. Job diversification
by quality is situated in the context of neoliberal reforms as a global
phenomenon and, more specifically, in the context of changes within the labor
market in Serbia after 2000. This dissertation answers four research questions:
1. How can jobs in Serbia be best grouped according to job quality dimensions?
2. How do the identified job profiles differ in quality as well as in the characteristics
of labor demand and supply?
3. Which characteristics of employees affect the likelihood of being employed
in jobs of different profiles?
4. Is the labor market in Serbia segmented, how many segments are there,
and which groups of employees are "condemned" to occupy bad jobs?
The questions are answered by analyzing data from the European
Working Conditions Survey (EWCS) for 2015 (on a subsample for Serbia).
The data were analyzed by cluster analysis (to extract job profiles of different
quality), descriptive analyses (to describe job profiles in terms of job quality,
as well as the characteristics of labor demand and supply), and multinomial
logistic regression (to identify segments in the labor market, i.e., job profiles
with distinctive allocation patterns).
Four job profiles have been identified based on quality dimensions:
Prospective jobs - high quality on all the dimensions; Routine jobs - low
quality on wage and skill dimensions; Perspectiveless jobs - low quality on
wage and skill dimensions and with limited autonomy in work; and Effortful
jobs - low quality on work time, physical and social environment dimensions.
Three labor market segments were identified in Serbia, corresponding to Prospective,
Effortful, and Perspectiveless jobs.
Authors Key words
Quality of work, Dimensions of work quality, Job profiles, Allocation
patterns, Segment, Labor market segmentation
Authors Key words
kvalitet poslova, dimenzije kvaliteta poslova, profili poslova,
alokacijski obrasci, segment, segmentacija tržišta rada
S 210
Abstract (sr)
In this dissertation, labor market inequalities in Serbia have been analyzed
by identifying segments - non-competitive zones of the labor market
composed of jobs of different quality to which groups of workers with different
characteristics have access with unequal probabilities. Job diversification
by quality is situated in the context of neoliberal reforms as a global
phenomenon and, more specifically, in the context of changes within the labor
market in Serbia after 2000. This dissertation answers four research questions:
1. How can jobs in Serbia be best grouped according to job quality dimensions?
2. How do the identified job profiles differ in quality as well as in the characteristics
of labor demand and supply?
3. Which characteristics of employees affect the likelihood of being employed
in jobs of different profiles?
4. Is the labor market in Serbia segmented, how many segments are there,
and which groups of employees are "condemned" to occupy bad jobs?
The questions are answered by analyzing data from the European
Working Conditions Survey (EWCS) for 2015 (on a subsample for Serbia).
The data were analyzed by cluster analysis (to extract job profiles of different
quality), descriptive analyses (to describe job profiles in terms of job quality,
as well as the characteristics of labor demand and supply), and multinomial
logistic regression (to identify segments in the labor market, i.e., job profiles
with distinctive allocation patterns).
Four job profiles have been identified based on quality dimensions:
Prospective jobs - high quality on all the dimensions; Routine jobs - low
quality on wage and skill dimensions; Perspectiveless jobs - low quality on
wage and skill dimensions and with limited autonomy in work; and Effortful
jobs - low quality on work time, physical and social environment dimensions.
Three labor market segments were identified in Serbia, corresponding to Prospective,
Effortful, and Perspectiveless jobs.
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