Dinamika nekih stohastičkih modela širenja bolesti
Vujović, Vuk, 1989-
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Theses Type
Doktorska disertacija
Datum odbrane: 03.10.2023.
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Academic Expertise
Prirodno-matematičke nauke
Academic Title
Univerzitet u Nišu
Prirodno-matematički fakultet
Odsek za matematiku i informatiku
Alternative title
Slow and stored light in spherical quantum dots in ladder-type configuration
[V. V. Vujović]
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Bibliografija: list [152]
Stochastic analysis
Abstract (en)
The topic of this doctoral dissertation is the application of stochastic differential equations in epidemiology in the modeling of the spread of some diseases (addiction, infectious and hematological diseases). Based on the existing deterministic models, by using appropriate stochastic perturbation, the system of stochastic differential equations is obtained. The dynamics of such stochastic models are studied throughout this dissertation. In that sense, bearing in mind the nature of the problem under consideration, for each of the obtained models the existence and uniqueness of a global positive solution is shown. The central part of the paper deals with the dynamical properties of the considered models: extinction or persistence of the disease in the population. To illustrate the obtained theoretical results, numerical illustrations with real life data are carried out. The obtained simulations show that the theoretical results coincide with real data.
Authors Key words
Egzistencija i jedinstvenost globalnog pozitivnog rešenja, ergodička stacionarna raspodela, iskorenjivanje bolesti , neperzistentnost u srednjem, perzistentnost u srednjem, stohastičke diferencijalne jednačine, stohastički epidemiološki modeli, stohastički modeli interakcije imunoloških i zaraženih ćelija, stohastička stabilnost, formula Itoa
Authors Key words
Ergodic stationary distribution, Existence and uniqueness of the global positive solution, Extinction оf disease, Itôs Formula, Non-persistence in mean, Persistence in mean, Stability in Probability, Stochastic differential equations, Stochastic epidemic models, Stochastic models of the interaction of immune and infected cells
Abstract (en)
The topic of this doctoral dissertation is the application of stochastic differential equations in epidemiology in the modeling of the spread of some diseases (addiction, infectious and hematological diseases). Based on the existing deterministic models, by using appropriate stochastic perturbation, the system of stochastic differential equations is obtained. The dynamics of such stochastic models are studied throughout this dissertation. In that sense, bearing in mind the nature of the problem under consideration, for each of the obtained models the existence and uniqueness of a global positive solution is shown. The central part of the paper deals with the dynamical properties of the considered models: extinction or persistence of the disease in the population. To illustrate the obtained theoretical results, numerical illustrations with real life data are carried out. The obtained simulations show that the theoretical results coincide with real data.
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