Numeričko eksperimentalna istraživanja nestacionarnih strujanja u postrojenjima sa cross-flow turbinama
Svrkota, Dragan M., 1962-
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Autorstvo-Nekomercijalno-Bez prerade 3.0 Srbija (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0)
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Theses Type
Doktorska disertacija
Datum odbrane: 13.10.2023.
Other responsibilities
član komisije
Tašin, Slobodan
član komisije
Bogdanović Jovanović, Jasmina
član komisije
Spasić, Živan
član komisije
Kocić, Miloš
Academic Expertise
Tehničko-tehnološke nauke
Univerzitet u Nišu
Mašinski fakultet
Katedra za hidroenergetiku
Alternative title
Numerical and experimental research of unsteady flow in hydropower plants with cross-flow turbines
[D. M. Svrkota]
[8], 161 str.
Bibliografija: str. 146-149
Energy and process technology
Abstract (en)
Transients in hydropower plants can result in serious disturbances in a
plant operation and damage of equipment. The best way to prevent such
adverse outcomes is to conduct a transient-state analysis using a
mathematical model of the hydropower plant system.
Based on the collected data on 270 hydropower plants with cross-flow
turbines, regression analyses were done and regression equations were
derived that relate a cross-flow turbine specific speed (ns), turbine rated
speed (nt), turbine runner diameter (D1) and turbine runner width (B1)
and jet (B) as a function of turbine head and discharge.
The obtained equations were used to estimate the turbine performance
characteristics using available unit hill charts of three different cross-flow
turbines (ns=45.7, 68.8 i 93.4). Finally, the estimated performance
characteristics were used to form the boundary condition “CROSSFLOW
TURBINE” within the unsteady 1D mathematical model.
The model was validated through case studies by comparing calculated
and measured changes in the turbine speed and turbine inlet pressure,
induced by sudden load rejection. The difference between the calculated
and measured peak pressures was up to 10% during the critical period,
(from the moment of load rejection up to the guide vanes closure). In the
case of turbine speed, the difference between the peak values was less
than 10% in the same period.
Authors Key words
Cross-flow turbina, jedinične karakteristike, školjkasti dijagram,
hidroelektrana, ispad, nestacionarni režimi, hidraulički udar
Authors Key words
Cross-flow turbine, unit characteristics, hill chart, hydropower plant, load
rejection, transients, water hammer
T 210
Abstract (en)
Transients in hydropower plants can result in serious disturbances in a
plant operation and damage of equipment. The best way to prevent such
adverse outcomes is to conduct a transient-state analysis using a
mathematical model of the hydropower plant system.
Based on the collected data on 270 hydropower plants with cross-flow
turbines, regression analyses were done and regression equations were
derived that relate a cross-flow turbine specific speed (ns), turbine rated
speed (nt), turbine runner diameter (D1) and turbine runner width (B1)
and jet (B) as a function of turbine head and discharge.
The obtained equations were used to estimate the turbine performance
characteristics using available unit hill charts of three different cross-flow
turbines (ns=45.7, 68.8 i 93.4). Finally, the estimated performance
characteristics were used to form the boundary condition “CROSSFLOW
TURBINE” within the unsteady 1D mathematical model.
The model was validated through case studies by comparing calculated
and measured changes in the turbine speed and turbine inlet pressure,
induced by sudden load rejection. The difference between the calculated
and measured peak pressures was up to 10% during the critical period,
(from the moment of load rejection up to the guide vanes closure). In the
case of turbine speed, the difference between the peak values was less
than 10% in the same period.
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