Kvalitet angažovanja studenata u visokoškolskom kontekstu
Ćirić, Marina, 1986-
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Autorstvo-Nekomercijalno-Bez prerade 3.0 Srbija (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0)
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Theses Type
Doktorska disertacija
Datum odbrane: 06.10.2022.
Other responsibilities
predsednik komisije
Jovanović, Dragana
član komisije
Jovanović, Marija
član komisije
Mikanović, Brana
Academic Expertise
Društveno-humanističke nauke
Univerzitet u Nišu
Filozofski fakultet
Departman za pedagogiju
Alternative title
The Quality of student engagement in the higher education context
[M. Ćirić]
354 str.
Prilozi: str. 315-354,
Bibliografija: str. 276-314.
Higher education pedagogy
Abstract (en)
This dissertation points out the features and specifics of the student engagement construct, presented through the relational perspective between the individual and the context. We started with the needs and requirements of modern society and the response of higher education institutions to them. In this regard, we analysed the changes in higher education and their reflection on the internal organization of the individual institutions of this system.
The research aimed to examine the relationship between the quality of student engagement and the higher education context. A total of 632 respondents participated in the research, 514 students and 118 teachers and associates of six faculties of the University of Nis: Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Philosophy, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Natural and Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Sports and Physical Education, and Faculty of Occupational Safety. We used two standardised instruments for examining perceptions of the quality of student engagement, NSSE for students and FSSE for teachers, that have been translated and adapted to the cultural and pedagogical context and research needs.
According to the obtained results, the constellation of extensive and intensive factors of engagement indicated those significant contextual characteristics that determine the approach to engagement. Within the higher education institutions of social-humanistic orientation, a stimulating environment, characterized by frequent interactions of all members is regularly nurtured. Also, there is a predominant support for the study process and attending to the needs of each student. The faculties of mathematical, information and technological orientations are more oriented towards training their students in terms of developing numerical literacy, encouraging the integration of knowledge and thinking strategies. The complexity of functioning is most prominent at the Faculty of Medicine, where respect for diversity is the basis of organizational climate and culture, which, along with frequent interactions, ensures continuity in the study process.
The importance and contribution of this research is primarily reflected in researching engagement in its direct connection with the key processes in higher education: efficiency and effectiveness of study. This research is especially significant because it showed that the culture of academic commitment to students influences and encourages the development of students and their competencies. Although the research covers only one part of the faculties of the
University of Nis, the implications arising from its findings can be the basis for developing a strategy in the field of improving the quality of engagement and developing a supportive learning environment in higher education.
Authors Key words
kontekst visokog obrazovanja, student u centru učenja, visokoškolski nastavnici, angažovanje studenata, kvalitet
Authors Key words
higher education context, student centered learning, faculty, student engagement, the quality
S 270
Abstract (en)
This dissertation points out the features and specifics of the student engagement construct, presented through the relational perspective between the individual and the context. We started with the needs and requirements of modern society and the response of higher education institutions to them. In this regard, we analysed the changes in higher education and their reflection on the internal organization of the individual institutions of this system.
The research aimed to examine the relationship between the quality of student engagement and the higher education context. A total of 632 respondents participated in the research, 514 students and 118 teachers and associates of six faculties of the University of Nis: Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Philosophy, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Natural and Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Sports and Physical Education, and Faculty of Occupational Safety. We used two standardised instruments for examining perceptions of the quality of student engagement, NSSE for students and FSSE for teachers, that have been translated and adapted to the cultural and pedagogical context and research needs.
According to the obtained results, the constellation of extensive and intensive factors of engagement indicated those significant contextual characteristics that determine the approach to engagement. Within the higher education institutions of social-humanistic orientation, a stimulating environment, characterized by frequent interactions of all members is regularly nurtured. Also, there is a predominant support for the study process and attending to the needs of each student. The faculties of mathematical, information and technological orientations are more oriented towards training their students in terms of developing numerical literacy, encouraging the integration of knowledge and thinking strategies. The complexity of functioning is most prominent at the Faculty of Medicine, where respect for diversity is the basis of organizational climate and culture, which, along with frequent interactions, ensures continuity in the study process.
The importance and contribution of this research is primarily reflected in researching engagement in its direct connection with the key processes in higher education: efficiency and effectiveness of study. This research is especially significant because it showed that the culture of academic commitment to students influences and encourages the development of students and their competencies. Although the research covers only one part of the faculties of the
University of Nis, the implications arising from its findings can be the basis for developing a strategy in the field of improving the quality of engagement and developing a supportive learning environment in higher education.
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