Procena biološke aktivnosti biljne mešavine koja se primenjuje u etnofarmakološkom tretmanu dijabetesa
Madić, Višnja, 1984-
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Autorstvo-Nekomercijalno-Bez prerade 3.0 Srbija (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0)
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Theses Type
Doktorska disertacija
Datum odbrane: 03.03.2021.
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Academic Expertise
Prirodno-matematičke nauke
Academic Title
Univerzitet u Nišu
Prirodno-matematički fakultet
Odsek za biologiju i ekologiju
Alternative title
Evaluation of the biological activvity of a herbal mixture used in the ethnopharmacological therapy of diabetes
: doctoral dissertation
[V. P. Madić]
129 listova
Biografija i bibliografija autora: list. 124-126,
Bibliografija: listovi 94-118.
Cell biology. Physiology
Abstract (en)
Diabetes is one of the most prevalent diseases of the 21st century.
Conventional pharmacotherapy of diabetes successfully regulates
hyperglycemia, yet it cannot completely prevent the progress of
secondary diabetic pathologies. Thus, many people combine
pharmacotherapy with herbal remedies. This study aimed to evaluate
the frequency of traditional medicine use in Serbia and to examine the
biological activities of the “anti-diabetic” herbal mixture used in the
ethnopharmacology. The prevalence of traditional medicine use was
assessed by cross-sectional study, while the biological activities of the
herbal mixture were examined through in vitro and in vivo experiments.
The results of the study showed that 67.7% of respondents from all over
Serbia rely on ethnopharmacology. The consumption of polyherbal
mixtures and pharmaceutical supplements based on traditional recipes
was more frequent than individual medicinal herbs. Phytochemical
analysis of tested herbal mixture indicated high content of phenols and
flavonoids. The HPLC-UV analysis revealed the presence of ten
bioactive compounds: quinic, gallic and caftaric acid, arbutin, rutin,
trifolin, astragalin, hyperoside, isoquercetin and quercitrin. In vitro
study indicated its high antioxidant, anticytotoxic and antigenotoxic
activities as well as antimicrobial activity against a wide range of
microorganisms. In addition, its cytotoxicity and genotoxicity were
extremely low. In vivo study showed that this herbal mixture has
hypoglycemic, hypolipidemic and hepatoprotective effects in both
healthy and diabetic animals. Moreover, in diabetic animals, it showed
nephroprotective activity, while its hypoglycemic effect was higher
than the effect of insulin and metformin in this experimental model.
Authors Key words
Dijabetes, biljna mešavina, narodna medicina,
citotoksičnost, genotoksičnost, antioksidansi,
hipoglikemijski agensi, hepatoprotektivni efekat,
nefroprotektivni efekat, hipolipidemijsko dejstvo
Authors Key words
Diabetes, herbal mixture, traditional medicine, cytotoxicity,
genotoxicity, antioxidants, hypoglycemic agents, hepatoprotective
effect, nephroprotective effect, hypolipidemic activity
B200; B210; B220; B480; B740
Abstract (en)
Diabetes is one of the most prevalent diseases of the 21st century.
Conventional pharmacotherapy of diabetes successfully regulates
hyperglycemia, yet it cannot completely prevent the progress of
secondary diabetic pathologies. Thus, many people combine
pharmacotherapy with herbal remedies. This study aimed to evaluate
the frequency of traditional medicine use in Serbia and to examine the
biological activities of the “anti-diabetic” herbal mixture used in the
ethnopharmacology. The prevalence of traditional medicine use was
assessed by cross-sectional study, while the biological activities of the
herbal mixture were examined through in vitro and in vivo experiments.
The results of the study showed that 67.7% of respondents from all over
Serbia rely on ethnopharmacology. The consumption of polyherbal
mixtures and pharmaceutical supplements based on traditional recipes
was more frequent than individual medicinal herbs. Phytochemical
analysis of tested herbal mixture indicated high content of phenols and
flavonoids. The HPLC-UV analysis revealed the presence of ten
bioactive compounds: quinic, gallic and caftaric acid, arbutin, rutin,
trifolin, astragalin, hyperoside, isoquercetin and quercitrin. In vitro
study indicated its high antioxidant, anticytotoxic and antigenotoxic
activities as well as antimicrobial activity against a wide range of
microorganisms. In addition, its cytotoxicity and genotoxicity were
extremely low. In vivo study showed that this herbal mixture has
hypoglycemic, hypolipidemic and hepatoprotective effects in both
healthy and diabetic animals. Moreover, in diabetic animals, it showed
nephroprotective activity, while its hypoglycemic effect was higher
than the effect of insulin and metformin in this experimental model.
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