Jednostruki elektronski zahvat u sudarima brzih projektila sa vodoniku i helijumu sličnim metama
Delibašić, Danilo, 1991-
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Autorstvo-Nekomercijalno-Deliti pod istim uslovima 3.0 Srbija (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0)
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Theses Type
Doktorska disertacija
Datum odbrane: 30.11.2021.
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Academic Expertise
Prirodno-matematičke nauke
Academic Title
Univerzitet u Nišu
Prirodno-matematički fakultet
Odsek za fiziku
Alternative title
Single-electron capture in collisions of fast projectiles with hydrogen- and helium-like targets
[D. Delibašić]
262 lista
Bibliografija: listovi 261-262.
Atomic physics
Abstract (en)
Electron capture is a process which garners scientific interest for a
number of reasons, ranging from a purely fundamental atomic physics
standpoint to more practically oriented interdisciplinary applications,
such as in fusion energy research and medical physics. In the present
work, single-electron capture by fast projectiles from hydrogen- and
helium-like targets is studied by means of the boundary-corrected
continuum intermediate states method (BCIS), both in its three-body
(BCIS-3B) and four-body (BCIS-4B) formulation. In this thesis, these
two methods are developed for single-electron capture from the
ground state of the target into arbitrary states of the projectile.
General programs are constructed for the calculation of total cross
sections for arbitrary projectile-target pairs, as well as differential
cross sections for certain special cases. A large number of projectiletarget
pairs are explored, with the obtained theoretical results being
graphically represented. For almost all the considered processes,
experimental data points are available for comparison. The agreement
between the newly obtained theoretical results and the measurements
ranges from good to nearly perfect.
Authors Key words
Kvantna teorija rasejanja, jon-atomski sudari, elektronski
Authors Key words
Quantum scattering theory, ion-atom collisions, electron capture
Abstract (en)
Electron capture is a process which garners scientific interest for a
number of reasons, ranging from a purely fundamental atomic physics
standpoint to more practically oriented interdisciplinary applications,
such as in fusion energy research and medical physics. In the present
work, single-electron capture by fast projectiles from hydrogen- and
helium-like targets is studied by means of the boundary-corrected
continuum intermediate states method (BCIS), both in its three-body
(BCIS-3B) and four-body (BCIS-4B) formulation. In this thesis, these
two methods are developed for single-electron capture from the
ground state of the target into arbitrary states of the projectile.
General programs are constructed for the calculation of total cross
sections for arbitrary projectile-target pairs, as well as differential
cross sections for certain special cases. A large number of projectiletarget
pairs are explored, with the obtained theoretical results being
graphically represented. For almost all the considered processes,
experimental data points are available for comparison. The agreement
between the newly obtained theoretical results and the measurements
ranges from good to nearly perfect.
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