Taksonomija i filogenija serije Verni Mathew (crocus l.) u jugoistočnoj Evropi - morfo-anatomski, citološki i molekularni pristup
Raca, Irena, 1990-
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Autorstvo-Nekomercijalno-Bez prerade 3.0 Srbija (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0)
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Theses Type
Doktorska disertacija
Datum odbrane: 15.10.2021.
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Prirodno-matematičke nauke
Academic Title
Univerzitet u Nišu
Prirodno-matematički fakultet
Odsek za biologiju i ekologiju
Alternative title
Taxonomy and phylogeny of series Verni Mathew (Crocus L.) in southeastern Europe - morphoanatomical, cytological and molecular approach
: doctoral dissertation
[I. Lj. Raca]
[15], 128 listova
Biobibliografija autora: listovi 110-116,
Bibliografija: listovi 97-105.
Abstract (en)
The complexity of the series Verni is a result of the questionable taxonomical status of its representatives, followed by the confusing nomenclature, synonyms and high variability of chromosome numbers. The aim of the study is to define the taxonomical status of the cytotypes from Southeastern Europe (C. kosaninii, C. tommasinianus, C. vernus, C. cf. heuffelianus) by combining morpho-anatomical, cytological, molecular and phylogenetic investigations. The estimation of ploidy levels was based on the chromosome numbers and genome sizes, while chloroplast sequences matK-trnQ, trnL-F, ycf1 and GBS methodology were used to disentangle phylogenetic relationships. The species status was confirmed for C. kosaninii, C. tommasinianus and C. vernus. The results suggest that C. heuffelianus sensu stricto represents the diploid 2n=10 cytotype, with mostly glabrous throats and intensive perigone color. The 2n=12 cytotype, with flatter and paler perigone segments, hairy throats, extremely short perigone tubes and white stripe/leaf diameter ratio of 1/7, is described as a new species C. bertiscensis. Crocus heuffelianus s. s. and C. vernus are parental species of all the polyploid cytotypes. Phylogenetic analysis revealed the existence of three groups in 2n=18 cytotype: pannonian-illyric (C. vittatus), western (C. scepusiensis) and southern carpathian (C. exiguus). The 2n=20, 22 cytotypes originated from the same polyploidization event. From the aspect of morpho-anatomy, the investigated polyploid cytotypes are representing intermediate forms between parental species and their taxonomical status remains unknown. Since populations from Vojnik and Vranica are characterized by the peculiar set of characters, raising them to the level of the new species is justified.
Authors Key words
Crocus, Verni, morfologija, anatomija lista, veličina genoma, matK-trnQ, trnL-F, ycf1, GBS
Authors Key words
Crocus, Verni, morphology, leaf anatomy, genome size, matK-trnQ, trnL-F, ycf1, GBS
Б 004; Б 290
Abstract (en)
The complexity of the series Verni is a result of the questionable taxonomical status of its representatives, followed by the confusing nomenclature, synonyms and high variability of chromosome numbers. The aim of the study is to define the taxonomical status of the cytotypes from Southeastern Europe (C. kosaninii, C. tommasinianus, C. vernus, C. cf. heuffelianus) by combining morpho-anatomical, cytological, molecular and phylogenetic investigations. The estimation of ploidy levels was based on the chromosome numbers and genome sizes, while chloroplast sequences matK-trnQ, trnL-F, ycf1 and GBS methodology were used to disentangle phylogenetic relationships. The species status was confirmed for C. kosaninii, C. tommasinianus and C. vernus. The results suggest that C. heuffelianus sensu stricto represents the diploid 2n=10 cytotype, with mostly glabrous throats and intensive perigone color. The 2n=12 cytotype, with flatter and paler perigone segments, hairy throats, extremely short perigone tubes and white stripe/leaf diameter ratio of 1/7, is described as a new species C. bertiscensis. Crocus heuffelianus s. s. and C. vernus are parental species of all the polyploid cytotypes. Phylogenetic analysis revealed the existence of three groups in 2n=18 cytotype: pannonian-illyric (C. vittatus), western (C. scepusiensis) and southern carpathian (C. exiguus). The 2n=20, 22 cytotypes originated from the same polyploidization event. From the aspect of morpho-anatomy, the investigated polyploid cytotypes are representing intermediate forms between parental species and their taxonomical status remains unknown. Since populations from Vojnik and Vranica are characterized by the peculiar set of characters, raising them to the level of the new species is justified.
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