Hemijska analiza lako isparljivih komponenti, biološka aktivnost i hemotaksonomske karakteristike vrsta roda Chaerophyllum L. (Apiaceae) sa područja Srbije
Stamenković, Jelena G., 1988-
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Autorstvo-Nekomercijalno-Bez prerade 3.0 Srbija (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0)
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Theses Type
Doktorska disertacija
Datum odbrane: 08.07.2021.
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Academic Expertise
Prirodno-matematičke nauke
Academic Title
Univerzitet u Nišu
Prirodno-matematički fakultet
Odsek za hemiju
Alternative title
Chemical analysis of the volatiles, biological activity and chemotaxonomic characteristics of the species of genus Chaerophyllum L. (Apiaceae) from the territory of Serbia
[J. G. Stamenković]
194 str.
Bibliografija: str. 187-190;
Biografija sa bibliografijom: str. 186-187.
Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry
Abstract (en)
This doctoral dissertation reports the chemical composition of the headspace
volatiles (HS) and essential oils obtained from different species of genus
Chaerophyllum L. (Apiaceae) from the territory of Serbia and Montenegro
determined by GC and GC/MS analyses. The obtained results show that the
chemical composition of the oil depends on the part of the plant which is
analyzed and that the main differences were noticed between aerial parts and the
root samples. Substrate - habitat and climatic conditions of the development of
the tested plant species do not significantly affect the composition of essential
oils. The antioxidant activity of essential oils was investigated using five
different methods and obtained results indicate that all oil samples have a weak
antioxidant potential. The results of antibacterial assay showed that investigated
samples exhibit some antibacterial activity against tested Gram-positive bacteria
while they were inactive against Gram-negative bacteria. Chemotaxonomic
classification of species of the genera Chaerophyllum L. and Myrrhoides Fabr.
was performed using the classes of compounds and main components of
essential oils as chemotaxonomic markers for statistical processing. The results
obtained show that the use of essential oils as chemotaxonomic markers makes
sense and that morphological characters alone are not sufficient for complete
identification of plant species.
Authors Key words
Chaerophyllum L., etarska ulja, antioksidativna aktivnost, antimikrobna
aktivnost, hemotaksonomija
Authors Key words
Chaerophyllum L., essential oils, antioxidant activity, antimicrobial activity,
P 003; P 390
Abstract (en)
This doctoral dissertation reports the chemical composition of the headspace
volatiles (HS) and essential oils obtained from different species of genus
Chaerophyllum L. (Apiaceae) from the territory of Serbia and Montenegro
determined by GC and GC/MS analyses. The obtained results show that the
chemical composition of the oil depends on the part of the plant which is
analyzed and that the main differences were noticed between aerial parts and the
root samples. Substrate - habitat and climatic conditions of the development of
the tested plant species do not significantly affect the composition of essential
oils. The antioxidant activity of essential oils was investigated using five
different methods and obtained results indicate that all oil samples have a weak
antioxidant potential. The results of antibacterial assay showed that investigated
samples exhibit some antibacterial activity against tested Gram-positive bacteria
while they were inactive against Gram-negative bacteria. Chemotaxonomic
classification of species of the genera Chaerophyllum L. and Myrrhoides Fabr.
was performed using the classes of compounds and main components of
essential oils as chemotaxonomic markers for statistical processing. The results
obtained show that the use of essential oils as chemotaxonomic markers makes
sense and that morphological characters alone are not sufficient for complete
identification of plant species.
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