Pravoslavlje i Srpska pravoslavna crkva u Dušanovom zakoniku
Stojanović, Stefan 1991-
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Autorstvo-Nekomercijalno-Bez prerade 3.0 Srbija (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0)
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Theses Type
Doktorska disertacija
Datum odbrane: 27.02.2021.
Other responsibilities
Đorđević, Aleksandar V., 1975-
predsednik komisije
Ranđelović, Nebojša V. 1967-
član komisije
Ljubomirović, Irena 1974-
član komisije
Čvorović, Zoran
Academic Expertise
Društveno-humanističke nauke
Univerzitet u Nišu
Pravni fakultet
Katedra za pravno-istorijske nauke
Alternative title
Orthodoxy and Serbian Orthodox Church in Dušan's Code
[S. Stojanović]
[6], 230, [4] lista
Bibliografija: listovi 222-229;
Biografija autora: list 230.
History of law
Abstract (en)
The main subject of the doctoral dissertation research is the
provisions of the most important monument of Serbian medieval law,
Dušan's Code, on Orhtodoxy and Serbian Orthodox Church. Although
in the science of the History of Law there are numerous works on
Dušan's Code, its sources, legal institutions, as well as some of its
provisions or terms, however, those provisions of the Code which
directly or indirectly concern to Orthodoxy and the Serbian Orthodox
Church, in the author's opinion, have not yet been the subject of a
comprehensive and systematic analysis. The significance of
Orthodoxy and the church for the Serbian people and Serbian
medieval state is undoubtedly confirmed by Dušan's Code itself.
Following the example of Byzantine law, the first place in the Code
belonged to Orthodoxy and the church, and almost a quarter of its
provisions regulate this matter. The most important issues covered by
the doctoral dissertation are the institution of church marriage, crimes
against Orthodoxy and the church, the meaning of the term „Code of
the Holy Fathers“, church punishments, the legal position of the
Serbian Orthodox Church, the legal position of monks, the legal
position of priests and the evidence of the so-called „God's court“. For
a more complete analysis of these issues, in addition to Dušan's Code,
the dissertation used other sources of Serbian medieval law –
Zakonopravilo of St. Sava, Syntagma of Matthew Blastares, charters
of Serbian rulers, as well as other historical and legal-historical
Authors Key words
Pravoslavlje, crkva, srednji vek, Dušanov zakonik,
srednjovekovno srpsko pravo, vizantijsko pravo, običajno pravo,
Authors Key words
Orthodoxy, Church, Middle Ages, Dušan's Code, Medieval Serbian
law, Byzantine law, Customary law, Reception
H 300
Abstract (en)
The main subject of the doctoral dissertation research is the
provisions of the most important monument of Serbian medieval law,
Dušan's Code, on Orhtodoxy and Serbian Orthodox Church. Although
in the science of the History of Law there are numerous works on
Dušan's Code, its sources, legal institutions, as well as some of its
provisions or terms, however, those provisions of the Code which
directly or indirectly concern to Orthodoxy and the Serbian Orthodox
Church, in the author's opinion, have not yet been the subject of a
comprehensive and systematic analysis. The significance of
Orthodoxy and the church for the Serbian people and Serbian
medieval state is undoubtedly confirmed by Dušan's Code itself.
Following the example of Byzantine law, the first place in the Code
belonged to Orthodoxy and the church, and almost a quarter of its
provisions regulate this matter. The most important issues covered by
the doctoral dissertation are the institution of church marriage, crimes
against Orthodoxy and the church, the meaning of the term „Code of
the Holy Fathers“, church punishments, the legal position of the
Serbian Orthodox Church, the legal position of monks, the legal
position of priests and the evidence of the so-called „God's court“. For
a more complete analysis of these issues, in addition to Dušan's Code,
the dissertation used other sources of Serbian medieval law –
Zakonopravilo of St. Sava, Syntagma of Matthew Blastares, charters
of Serbian rulers, as well as other historical and legal-historical
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