Međuzavisnost ekonomskog rasta i zagađenja životne sredine zemalja Jugoistočne Evrope
Mitić, Petar D. 1987-
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Autorstvo-Nekomercijalno-Bez prerade 3.0 Srbija (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0)
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Theses Type
Doktorska disertacija
Datum odbrane: 25.02.2020.
Other responsibilities
Cvetanović, Slobodan 1952-
član komisije
Munitlak-Ivanović, Olja 1972-
član komisije
Despotović, Danijela 1967-
Academic Expertise
Društveno-humanističke nauke
Univerzitet u Nišu
Ekonomski fakultet
Katedra za opštu ekonomsku teoriju
Alternative title
Interdependence between economic growth and environmental pollution in southeastern European Countries
[P. Mitić]
258 listova
Bibliografija: listovi 225-256.
Abstract (en)
А global desire to achieve prosperity and economic growth has been
especially heightened in recent decades, which has led to an increase in
the use of natural resources and an increase in GHG emissions,
especially carbon dioxide. Consequently, a decrease in energy security,
growth and price volatility of natural resources and climate change has
occurred. The academy, policymakers, industry and civil society
representatives accept that economic well-being and human well-being
must be an objective that is achieved without escalating the use of
natural resources and negative environmental impacts. Although
developed countries are well on their way to achieving these goals,
great uncertainty lies with developing countries, as they do not have all
the mechanisms and instruments that are needed.
Research on the interdependence of environmental quality and
economic growth is significant because it provides policymakers with
a better understanding of environmental and economic interactions. All
of the above provides context and additional information for
policymakers to facilitate the selection, creation, and adoption of
appropriate policies, pointing to economic and environmental
relationships that are often not obvious or intuitive.
With a comprehensive theoretical overview of the theories and factors
of economic growth and development, as well as an analysis of the
integration and interdependence of the economy and the environment,
one of the most significant contributions of this doctoral dissertation is
a detailed description of the methodology and results of the
econometric analysis of the panel causality of the nine Southeast
European countries from 1995 to 2015. Panel unit root testing and
Johansen-Fisher and Pedroni cointegration tests preceded Granger's
causality analysis based on the vector error correction model and the
Wald test.
The results of the research unequivocally point to the existence of a
two-way long-run causal link between real gross domestic product,
carbon dioxide emissions, energy use, electricity consumption, and
gross fixed capital formation.
The results of short-term causality analysis are that gross domestic
product and gross fixed capital formation in the short run cause changes
in all other variables. On the other hand, carbon dioxide emissions,
electricity consumption, and energy use do not cause changes in other
variables in the short term.
Based on all the results, it can be concluded that economic variables
in the short run affect all environmental pollution variables, while
environmental variables in the short run do not cause changes in the
economic variables of the model.
Authors Key words
ekonomski rast, životna sredina, Jugoistočna Evropa,
ekonomija životne sredine, Kuznjecova kriva životne sredine,
zagađenje životne sredine, Grejndžerova uzročnost
Authors Key words
economic growth, environment, Southeastern Europe, environmental
economics, environmental Kuznets curve, environmental pollution,
Granger causality
S 180; S 188
Abstract (en)
А global desire to achieve prosperity and economic growth has been
especially heightened in recent decades, which has led to an increase in
the use of natural resources and an increase in GHG emissions,
especially carbon dioxide. Consequently, a decrease in energy security,
growth and price volatility of natural resources and climate change has
occurred. The academy, policymakers, industry and civil society
representatives accept that economic well-being and human well-being
must be an objective that is achieved without escalating the use of
natural resources and negative environmental impacts. Although
developed countries are well on their way to achieving these goals,
great uncertainty lies with developing countries, as they do not have all
the mechanisms and instruments that are needed.
Research on the interdependence of environmental quality and
economic growth is significant because it provides policymakers with
a better understanding of environmental and economic interactions. All
of the above provides context and additional information for
policymakers to facilitate the selection, creation, and adoption of
appropriate policies, pointing to economic and environmental
relationships that are often not obvious or intuitive.
With a comprehensive theoretical overview of the theories and factors
of economic growth and development, as well as an analysis of the
integration and interdependence of the economy and the environment,
one of the most significant contributions of this doctoral dissertation is
a detailed description of the methodology and results of the
econometric analysis of the panel causality of the nine Southeast
European countries from 1995 to 2015. Panel unit root testing and
Johansen-Fisher and Pedroni cointegration tests preceded Granger's
causality analysis based on the vector error correction model and the
Wald test.
The results of the research unequivocally point to the existence of a
two-way long-run causal link between real gross domestic product,
carbon dioxide emissions, energy use, electricity consumption, and
gross fixed capital formation.
The results of short-term causality analysis are that gross domestic
product and gross fixed capital formation in the short run cause changes
in all other variables. On the other hand, carbon dioxide emissions,
electricity consumption, and energy use do not cause changes in other
variables in the short term.
Based on all the results, it can be concluded that economic variables
in the short run affect all environmental pollution variables, while
environmental variables in the short run do not cause changes in the
economic variables of the model.
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