Značaj i uticaj menadžmenta na ključne pokazatelje aktivnosti hirurških klinika
Novak, Sonja 1974-
Copyright date
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Theses Type
Doktorska disertacija
Datum odbrane: 09.07.2019.
Other responsibilities
Đorđević, Nebojša 1955
član komisije
Kocić, Biljana
član komisije
Dimitrijević, Bojana
Academic Expertise
Medicinske nauke
Univerzitet u Nišu
Medicinski fakultet
Katedra za infektologiju i epidemiologiju
Alternative title
Importance and impact of management on key activity indicators of surgical clinics
[S. M. Novak]
[10], 175 lista
Biobibliografija: list 174-175;
Bibliografija: list. 145-162.
Health Management
Abstract (en)
High quality and purposeful changes in secondary and tertiary healthcare
institutions in Serbia can only be expected with fundamental
transformations of management and evidence from real practice. The
main goal of the research is to determine the quality of skills, of KC Niš
surgical clinics, managers and their significance and impact on the key
activity indicators of the mentioned clinics and on the motivation of the
employees. The primary research was carried out by a survey method on
a valid sample of 11 surgical clinics KC Niš. The main components of
the questionnaire are: general characteristics, attitudes and opinion,
motivation, leadership qualities, managing, managerial skills, job
satisfaction. Then, interviews and focus groups in the examined clinics
were organized and analyzed, in order to cross data and reduce the
potential biase. SWOT analysis formulated the future strategic direction
of management in the examined clinics. The results of the research have
shown that the highest motivation factors among the respondents are the
height of wages, job security, the ability to develop their own skills and
abilities, and the chance to do something worthwhile. The lowest
motivation factor of the respondents was praise by the superiors. The
most important skills and characteristics of a successful manager are,
according to the survey, communication, successful organization of work,
equal distribution of tasks to employees, fostering positive interpersonal
relations. A successful healthcare manager should be a doctor, with
training from management, which provides adequate conditions for the
work of employees, motivates employees and is creative. Respondents
have the highest satisfaction with regard to the nature of the work, but the
overall satisfaction levels are low. The overall satisfaction of the
respondents is statistically significantly related to managerial roles, and
the evaluation system, equal distribution of tasks, teamwork, motivation
and stimulation, while the reward system, were considered to be of the
most importance. The strength of the surgical clinic is human resources,
professional and motivated staff, as well as the connection with the
Medical faculty, while the weakness is the insufficient number of
employees, inadequate motivation and burn out at work. Opportunityans
solution is seen in a New Clinical Center building, accreditation and new
legal regulations in planning the number of employees in health care. A
statistically significant correlation between job satisfaction and three
parameters of quality of health care was found.
Authors Key words
Menadžment, zdravstveni menadžment, motivacija, zadovoljstvo
poslom, zdravstveni radnici, pokazatelji aktivnosti rada
hirurških klinika
Authors Key words
Management, health management, motivation, job satisfaction, health
workers, indicators of activities of surgical clinics
Abstract (en)
High quality and purposeful changes in secondary and tertiary healthcare
institutions in Serbia can only be expected with fundamental
transformations of management and evidence from real practice. The
main goal of the research is to determine the quality of skills, of KC Niš
surgical clinics, managers and their significance and impact on the key
activity indicators of the mentioned clinics and on the motivation of the
employees. The primary research was carried out by a survey method on
a valid sample of 11 surgical clinics KC Niš. The main components of
the questionnaire are: general characteristics, attitudes and opinion,
motivation, leadership qualities, managing, managerial skills, job
satisfaction. Then, interviews and focus groups in the examined clinics
were organized and analyzed, in order to cross data and reduce the
potential biase. SWOT analysis formulated the future strategic direction
of management in the examined clinics. The results of the research have
shown that the highest motivation factors among the respondents are the
height of wages, job security, the ability to develop their own skills and
abilities, and the chance to do something worthwhile. The lowest
motivation factor of the respondents was praise by the superiors. The
most important skills and characteristics of a successful manager are,
according to the survey, communication, successful organization of work,
equal distribution of tasks to employees, fostering positive interpersonal
relations. A successful healthcare manager should be a doctor, with
training from management, which provides adequate conditions for the
work of employees, motivates employees and is creative. Respondents
have the highest satisfaction with regard to the nature of the work, but the
overall satisfaction levels are low. The overall satisfaction of the
respondents is statistically significantly related to managerial roles, and
the evaluation system, equal distribution of tasks, teamwork, motivation
and stimulation, while the reward system, were considered to be of the
most importance. The strength of the surgical clinic is human resources,
professional and motivated staff, as well as the connection with the
Medical faculty, while the weakness is the insufficient number of
employees, inadequate motivation and burn out at work. Opportunityans
solution is seen in a New Clinical Center building, accreditation and new
legal regulations in planning the number of employees in health care. A
statistically significant correlation between job satisfaction and three
parameters of quality of health care was found.
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