Razvoj metodologije za otkrivanje znanja u Moodle sistemu za upravljanje učenjem
Dimić, Gabrijela, 1971-
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Autorstvo-Nekomercijalno-Bez prerade 3.0 Srbija (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0)
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Theses Type
Doktorska disertacija
Datum odbrane: 07.06.2019.
Other responsibilities
Rančić, Dejan 1968-
član komisije
Milentijević, Ivan
član komisije
Milosavljević, Aleksandar
član komisije
Dimitrijević, Aleksandar
član komisije
Spalević, Petar
Academic Expertise
Tehničko-tehnološke nauke
Univerzitet u Nišu
Elektronski fakultet
Katedra za elektroniku
Alternative title
Development methodology for discovering knowledge in the Moodle learning management system
[G. P. Dimić]
162, 21-24 lista
Biobibliografija: list. 157-162;
Bibliografija: list. 140-150.
Educational Data Mining
Abstract (en)
Prediction of students' success is one of the topics of research of the area known as the discovery of knowledge from educational data sets. The aim of this dissertation is focused on determining the students' success factors in a blended learning environment by combined implementation of methods for knowledge discovery and in-depth analysis of data. A case study study conducted at the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of Applied Studies in Belgrade has been described. Available data about the pedagogical process and the academic results of the Computer graphics course enabled comparative analyzes of the realized experiments. The outcome of the research is to establish a methodology for discovering knowledge from a blended learning environment. The conceptual model of prediction is based on realized student activities within the Moodle course and the classical way of teaching.
Authors Key words
mešano okruženje učenja, sistem za upravljanje učenjem, otkrivanje znanja, mašinsko učenje, diskretizacija, izbor obeležja, distribucija, uzorkovanje, korelaciona analiza, modelovanje, zajednička informacija, pravila udruživanja, asocijativna analiza, klasifikacija, predviđanje
Authors Key words
blended learning enviroment, data mining, machine learning, discretization, features selection, data distribution, oversampling, correlation analysis, modeling, mutual information, association rules, clustering, classification, prediction
Abstract (en)
Prediction of students' success is one of the topics of research of the area known as the discovery of knowledge from educational data sets. The aim of this dissertation is focused on determining the students' success factors in a blended learning environment by combined implementation of methods for knowledge discovery and in-depth analysis of data. A case study study conducted at the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of Applied Studies in Belgrade has been described. Available data about the pedagogical process and the academic results of the Computer graphics course enabled comparative analyzes of the realized experiments. The outcome of the research is to establish a methodology for discovering knowledge from a blended learning environment. The conceptual model of prediction is based on realized student activities within the Moodle course and the classical way of teaching.
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