Uticaj faktora procesa obrade na tehnološke karakteristike prevlaka kod proizvoda namenske industrije
Jovanović, Desimir N.
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Autorstvo-Nekomercijalno-Bez prerade 3.0 Srbija (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0)
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Theses Type
Doktorska disertacija
Datum odbrane: 06.02.2019.
Other responsibilities
Janković, Predrag
član komisije
Nedić, Bogdan
član komisije
Radenković, Goran
član komisije
Radovanović, Miroslav
član komisije
Baralić, Jelena
Academic Expertise
Tehničko-tehnološke nauke
Univerzitet u Nišu
Mašinski fakultet
Katedra za termotehniku, termoenergetiku i procesnu tehniku
Alternative title
Influence of the process parameters on technological characteristics of coatings used in defense industry
[D. N. Јovanović]
165 listova
Bibliografija: listovi 158-165.
Production systems and technology
Abstract (en)
The research topic of this dissertation is on the impact of
processing technology on the characteristics of protective
galvaniccoatings. Testing was performed with a coating of zinc
and chromium, as well as coatings that are most commonly used
to protect metal elements.
In both examined coatings varied characteristics of the substrate
(roughnessand hardness) for its application depending on the
manner of production or applied technology, finishing and
electrolysis parameters, current density and deposition time. In
addition to the traditional methods for the characterization of
coatings, the defined standards in the paper studied and methods
that are less common in tests of metal coatings such as "scratch"
test for the determination of adhesion and testing tribological
characteristics of coatings deposited.
The external appearance of the coatings was evaluated visually,
and morphology by optical microscopy and AFM microscopy
application. The thickness of the coatings was determined by
magnetic method. The adhesion of coatings to the base material is
determined by standardized methods, method of heating and
"scratch" test. Microhardness testing was performed by the
method Vickers HV0.1. Wear tests were performed under
conditions with "block-on-disk" contact geometry and the
resulting wear traces were quantified using optical measuring
Comprehensive analysis of results showed the influence of the
surface condition of the individual characteristics of electrolytic
coating of zinc and chromium.
Implemented comprehensive researches have created a basis for
the development of expert systems in the field of galvanic
coatings. In the paper are given the starting point of knowledge
about expert systems and neural networks for creation a
database and development of modules for predicting the
characteristics of the coatings on the basis of the deposition
Authors Key words
Faktor procesa, galvanske prevlake cinka, galvanske
prevlake hroma, karakterizacija prevlaka
Authors Key words
Factor process, galvanic zinc coatings, galvanic chromium coatings, characterization of coatings
T 130, T 155
Abstract (en)
The research topic of this dissertation is on the impact of
processing technology on the characteristics of protective
galvaniccoatings. Testing was performed with a coating of zinc
and chromium, as well as coatings that are most commonly used
to protect metal elements.
In both examined coatings varied characteristics of the substrate
(roughnessand hardness) for its application depending on the
manner of production or applied technology, finishing and
electrolysis parameters, current density and deposition time. In
addition to the traditional methods for the characterization of
coatings, the defined standards in the paper studied and methods
that are less common in tests of metal coatings such as "scratch"
test for the determination of adhesion and testing tribological
characteristics of coatings deposited.
The external appearance of the coatings was evaluated visually,
and morphology by optical microscopy and AFM microscopy
application. The thickness of the coatings was determined by
magnetic method. The adhesion of coatings to the base material is
determined by standardized methods, method of heating and
"scratch" test. Microhardness testing was performed by the
method Vickers HV0.1. Wear tests were performed under
conditions with "block-on-disk" contact geometry and the
resulting wear traces were quantified using optical measuring
Comprehensive analysis of results showed the influence of the
surface condition of the individual characteristics of electrolytic
coating of zinc and chromium.
Implemented comprehensive researches have created a basis for
the development of expert systems in the field of galvanic
coatings. In the paper are given the starting point of knowledge
about expert systems and neural networks for creation a
database and development of modules for predicting the
characteristics of the coatings on the basis of the deposition
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