Istraživanje ponašanja adhezionih spojeva metalnih konstrukcija pod dejstvom statičkog i cikličnog opterećenja
Stojković, Nenad V. 1984-
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Autorstvo-Nekomercijalno-Bez prerade 3.0 Srbija (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0)
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Theses Type
Doktorska disertacija
Datum odbrane: 15.12.2017.
Other responsibilities
Topličić Ćurčić, Gordana
član komisije
Folić, Radomir
član komisije
Pasternak, Hartmut
član komisije
Stojić, Dragoslav
član komisije
Živković, Srđan
Academic Expertise
Tehničko-tehnološke nauke
Univerzitet u Nišu
Građevinsko-arhitektonski fakultet
Katedra za materijale i konstrukcije
Alternative title
Investigation of the behavior of adhesive joints in metallic structures subjected to static and cyclic loading
[N. V. Stojković]
XI, 172 lista
Bibliografija: listovi 161-171
Civil engineering materials and structures
Abstract (en)
Adhesive joints offer many advantages compared to the traditional
joining techniques in metallic structures. However, the lack of unified
design standards and procedures limit their wider use in civil engineering
industry. For the purpose of standardization, extensive experimental
work has to be done on investigating their behavior under the service
conditions. Besides the influence of the joint geometry, the
manufacturing process and the temperature and humidity effects, type of
the loading has the greatest influence on the behavior of adhesive joints.
Main goal of this dissertation was to investigate behavior of adhesive
joints in metallic structures under static and cyclic loading, using modern
experimental and numerical methods. In order to achieve this the
selection of proper adherent surface preparation procedure was
Experimental investigation of the behavior of adhesive joints subjected
to static and cyclic loading was conducted on two types of adhesive
joints: galvanized steel façade joint and double lap shear joint. Based on
the results of the experimental investigation, as well as the results from
the literature, new models and methods were developed for modeling of
the behavior and predicting the fatigue life of adhesive joints subjected to
static and cyclic loading.
Authors Key words
adhezioni spojevi, metalne konstrukcije, statičko opterećenje,
ciklično opterećenje, zamor
Authors Key words
Adhesive joints, metallic structures, static loading, cyclic loading,
Elektronska teza
Abstract (en)
Adhesive joints offer many advantages compared to the traditional
joining techniques in metallic structures. However, the lack of unified
design standards and procedures limit their wider use in civil engineering
industry. For the purpose of standardization, extensive experimental
work has to be done on investigating their behavior under the service
conditions. Besides the influence of the joint geometry, the
manufacturing process and the temperature and humidity effects, type of
the loading has the greatest influence on the behavior of adhesive joints.
Main goal of this dissertation was to investigate behavior of adhesive
joints in metallic structures under static and cyclic loading, using modern
experimental and numerical methods. In order to achieve this the
selection of proper adherent surface preparation procedure was
Experimental investigation of the behavior of adhesive joints subjected
to static and cyclic loading was conducted on two types of adhesive
joints: galvanized steel façade joint and double lap shear joint. Based on
the results of the experimental investigation, as well as the results from
the literature, new models and methods were developed for modeling of
the behavior and predicting the fatigue life of adhesive joints subjected to
static and cyclic loading.
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