Osnovne kriminološke karakteristike i penološka obeležja učinilaca imovinskog kriminaliteta
Bogojević, Rade S.
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Autorstvo-Nekomercijalno 3.0 Srbija (CC BY-NC 3.0)
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Theses Type
Doktorska disertacija
Datum odbrane: 09.01.2017.
Other responsibilities
Kostić, Miomira P. 1964-
član komisije
Bošković, Milo
član komisije
Đurđić, Vojislav D. 1952-
član komisije
Dimovski, Darko T. 1984-
Academic Expertise
Društveno-humanističke nauke
Univerzitet u Nišu
Pravni fakultet
Katedra za krivično-pravne nauke
Alternative title
Basic criminological characteristics and penological features of property crimes perpetrators
[R. Bogojević]
335 listova
Criminal law
Abstract (en)
PhD thesis titled Basic Criminological Characteristics and Penological Features of Property Crime Perpetrators is the author’s endeavour to connect systematically in one place property crime with its perpetrators, in criminal law dimensions as well as in criminological and penological dimensions. The thesis content is divided in three parts containing five chapters, with introductory considerations, author’s concluding observations and recommendations. The first chapter considers the legal and historical dimension of property crime. The criminological legal determination of property crime in positive law regulations, is presented in the second chapter. The third chapter gives the description of empirical research, criminological characteristics and penological features of convicts of property crimes, conducted in Novi Sad County Jail as well as in Penalty Correctional Institute in Sremska Mitrovica. The research is implemented, in the chapter on criminological characteristics as well as in the chapter on penological features of property crimes perpetrators.
Brief review of the study with subliming new conclusions reached by writing thesis is given in concluding observations. The author has stated his own recommendations aiming at reducing the scope of property crimes and better resocialization of convicts for this type of criminal offences.
Authors Key words
imovinski kriminalitet, izvršioci, osuđenici, ispitanici, prava osuđenika, tretman
Authors Key words
property crime, perpetrators, convicts, examinees, rights of convicts, tretmant
Elektronska teza
Abstract (en)
PhD thesis titled Basic Criminological Characteristics and Penological Features of Property Crime Perpetrators is the author’s endeavour to connect systematically in one place property crime with its perpetrators, in criminal law dimensions as well as in criminological and penological dimensions. The thesis content is divided in three parts containing five chapters, with introductory considerations, author’s concluding observations and recommendations. The first chapter considers the legal and historical dimension of property crime. The criminological legal determination of property crime in positive law regulations, is presented in the second chapter. The third chapter gives the description of empirical research, criminological characteristics and penological features of convicts of property crimes, conducted in Novi Sad County Jail as well as in Penalty Correctional Institute in Sremska Mitrovica. The research is implemented, in the chapter on criminological characteristics as well as in the chapter on penological features of property crimes perpetrators.
Brief review of the study with subliming new conclusions reached by writing thesis is given in concluding observations. The author has stated his own recommendations aiming at reducing the scope of property crimes and better resocialization of convicts for this type of criminal offences.
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