Upravljanje institucionalnom dimenzijom održivog ruralnog razvoja
Hafner, Nenad P.
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Autorstvo-Nekomercijalno-Bez prerade 3.0 Srbija (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0)
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Theses Type
Doktorska disertacija
Datum odbrane: 10.03.2016.
Other responsibilities
Jovanović, Sonja
član komisije
Đekić, Snežana
član komisije
Miltojević, Vesna
Academic Expertise
Društveno-humanističke nauke
Univerzitet u Nišu
Ekonomski fakultet
Katedra za opštu ekonomsku teoriju
Alternative title
Management of institutional dimension of sustainable rural development
[N. P. Hafner]
30 cm [13], 271 list
Autorova biografija: list 268
Economic Development and Economic Policy
Abstract (en)
Sustainable development is a globally recognized multi-dimensional concept which
takes into account the three basic dimensions of development: economic, environmental and
social. This concept is incorporated in the development of modern models of strategy of
economic, social and environmental development. The road to achieving sustainable
development is associated with a number of uncertainties and requires interconnection,
harmonization and coordination of different dimensions of development. It is particularly
important to the development of each dimension is given equal importance. This is in practice
very difficult to achieve and there is always a trade-off or a dimension of sustainable
development is given more or less importance.
Contemporary approaches to the concept of sustainable development representing the
existence of new dimensions of development. There is a view that the institutional dimension
is the fourth dimension of sustainable development. Thus, this paper will point out that the
economic, environmental and social development on the basis of sustainability, institutional
support is complementary and necessary dimension.
Rural development policy is an important part of development policy of many
countries. One of the important issues in development policy in many countries is the
integration of sustainable development policy and rural development policy. For the
realization of sustainable rural development requires a strategic framework to identify
available resources and define priorities and guidelines for further development with respect
to economic, environmental t and social dimensions of sustainable development. Important in
the conduct of such a policy and implementation strategy is an adequate institutional
To manage the institutional dimension of sustainable rural development is necessary
to coordinate a number of activities in the fields of economic, environmental and social
policies at the national level, and align them with international policy and development
program. In order to realize progress in rural development policy requires a strategic
framework to identify available resources and define priorities and guidelines for further
development with respect to economic, environmental and social dimensions of sustainable
development. Of importance in this paper is carried out a comparative analysis of rural
development strategies aimed at positioning Serbia compared to some countries in the
European Union and South East Europe and to point out the critical elements of designing
and implementing this strategy.
Consideration of the institutional framework, as an important dimension of
sustainable development, should assist in the coordination of activities and cooperation of
various institutions in order to ensure the achievement of development goals. Good
institutional arrangements should provide all necessary support for the creation and
implementation of policies and strategies for sustainable rural development.
Authors Key words
održivi razvoj, institucionalna dimenzija, strategija održivog
razvoja, ruralni razvoj
Authors Key words
sustainable development, institutional dimension, strategy for sustainable
development, rural development
Elektronska teza
Abstract (en)
Sustainable development is a globally recognized multi-dimensional concept which
takes into account the three basic dimensions of development: economic, environmental and
social. This concept is incorporated in the development of modern models of strategy of
economic, social and environmental development. The road to achieving sustainable
development is associated with a number of uncertainties and requires interconnection,
harmonization and coordination of different dimensions of development. It is particularly
important to the development of each dimension is given equal importance. This is in practice
very difficult to achieve and there is always a trade-off or a dimension of sustainable
development is given more or less importance.
Contemporary approaches to the concept of sustainable development representing the
existence of new dimensions of development. There is a view that the institutional dimension
is the fourth dimension of sustainable development. Thus, this paper will point out that the
economic, environmental and social development on the basis of sustainability, institutional
support is complementary and necessary dimension.
Rural development policy is an important part of development policy of many
countries. One of the important issues in development policy in many countries is the
integration of sustainable development policy and rural development policy. For the
realization of sustainable rural development requires a strategic framework to identify
available resources and define priorities and guidelines for further development with respect
to economic, environmental t and social dimensions of sustainable development. Important in
the conduct of such a policy and implementation strategy is an adequate institutional
To manage the institutional dimension of sustainable rural development is necessary
to coordinate a number of activities in the fields of economic, environmental and social
policies at the national level, and align them with international policy and development
program. In order to realize progress in rural development policy requires a strategic
framework to identify available resources and define priorities and guidelines for further
development with respect to economic, environmental and social dimensions of sustainable
development. Of importance in this paper is carried out a comparative analysis of rural
development strategies aimed at positioning Serbia compared to some countries in the
European Union and South East Europe and to point out the critical elements of designing
and implementing this strategy.
Consideration of the institutional framework, as an important dimension of
sustainable development, should assist in the coordination of activities and cooperation of
various institutions in order to ensure the achievement of development goals. Good
institutional arrangements should provide all necessary support for the creation and
implementation of policies and strategies for sustainable rural development.
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