Međuopštinska saradnja kao oblik decentralizovanog vršenja javnih poslova
Golić, Darko 1983-
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Autorstvo-Nekomercijalno-Bez prerade 3.0 Srbija (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0)
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Theses Type
Doktorska disertacija
Datum odbrane: 15.11.2013.
Other responsibilities
Dimitrijević, Predrag 1959-
član komisije
Lončar, Zoran
član komisije
Vučetić, Dejan
Academic Expertise
Društveno-humanističke nauke
Univerzitet u Nišu
Pravni fakultet
Katedra za javno-pravne nauke
Alternative title
Inter-municipal cooperation (IMC) as a form of decentralized implementation of
public services
[D. Golić]
395 Listova
Public law, Local government
Abstract (en)
Inter-municipal cooperation (IMC), as a form of decentralized implementation of
public services and as a part of the local government system, is seen as a means to ensure
balanced regional development, better quality of public services, as well as a way to adjust
the needs of government organization to the needs of a society, with respect to its structural
characteristics and needs. In this paper, the basic forms of inter-municipal cooperation,
subjects of cooperation, ways in which the cooperation operates, areas in which the
cooperation is achieved, nature of the jurisdiction, financing and management methods,
affecting factors, and the specific advantages and disadvantages of this form of decentralized
implementation of public services are specified, through the analysis of relevant international
documents from this field, experiences and practices from different European countries, as
well as normative frameworks and practices of inter-municipal cooperation in Serbia. Bearing
in mind that the practice of inter-municipal cooperation has not sufficiently come to life in
Serbia, and that there is a number of questions related to it and to the other aspects of
decentralization, this research is intended to boost the intensive progress of inter-municipal
cooperation in Serbia, as a means to improve the decentralization of public services, and also
to overcome the problems local governments are facing.
The author finds that, unlike alternative solutions, inter-municipal cooperation
preserves local autonomy, strengthening the capacity at the local level and ensuring the
implementation of territorial reforms that are conducted "from below", according to the needs
of the citizens. Inter-municipal cooperation, regardless of its form, is a type of decentralized
implementation of public services. Although it is suspected that the certain form of
concentration is achieved through integrated forms of cooperation, these tasks are still
performed within a level that is not central; the state does not take any additional role, which
would reduce the degree of independence of the entities that are not central, i.e. reduce the
decentralized character of these services, or which would strengthen the centralizing
tendencies of the state or strengthen state control.
In Europe, you can see many examples of very effective cooperation, which has
proved to be a solution not just for many structural problems of local government, but also
for the vertical government organization in general. IMC provided the solutions that
alternatively required radical changes in the territorial organization. Also, IMC proved to be a
mechanism that provided regional policy, development goals, public-private partnerships and
territorial harmonization.
The existing legislative framework of inter-municipal cooperation in Serbia mainly
emphasizes voluntary cooperation of individual local governments, without a hint of a
widespread or better controlled integration. Apart from the fact that the obligatory
cooperation is only an exception, even some of the fundamental questions of its establishment
and implementation are not regulated. The need for cooperation consists mainly in providing
the regional services and equitable development, in overcoming the limitations, as well as in
the more adequate use of local capacities. However, the regulatory framework does not
provide a reliable basis for the establishment of high quality, durable and effective
partnerships. Given the existence of asymmetric decentralization, one-level local
governments, uneven capacities, as well as the development of decentralized units in Serbia,
some of the solutions of inter-municipal cooperation can be considered a means of ensuring
regional requirements in countries that are characterized by similar solutions, i.e. problems,
without any change in the constitutional concept of decentralization. The main areas where
the promotion of decentralized systems can be established are regional and spatial
development planning, public utility services, tourism, civil and environment protection
services, local governments and so on.
Authors Key words
međuopštinska saradnja, decentralizacija, teritorijalna
organizacija, lokalna samouprava, regionalizacija, javni poslovi
Authors Key words
inter-municipal cooperation, decentralization, territorial organization, local
government, regionalization, public services
Elektronska teza
Abstract (en)
Inter-municipal cooperation (IMC), as a form of decentralized implementation of
public services and as a part of the local government system, is seen as a means to ensure
balanced regional development, better quality of public services, as well as a way to adjust
the needs of government organization to the needs of a society, with respect to its structural
characteristics and needs. In this paper, the basic forms of inter-municipal cooperation,
subjects of cooperation, ways in which the cooperation operates, areas in which the
cooperation is achieved, nature of the jurisdiction, financing and management methods,
affecting factors, and the specific advantages and disadvantages of this form of decentralized
implementation of public services are specified, through the analysis of relevant international
documents from this field, experiences and practices from different European countries, as
well as normative frameworks and practices of inter-municipal cooperation in Serbia. Bearing
in mind that the practice of inter-municipal cooperation has not sufficiently come to life in
Serbia, and that there is a number of questions related to it and to the other aspects of
decentralization, this research is intended to boost the intensive progress of inter-municipal
cooperation in Serbia, as a means to improve the decentralization of public services, and also
to overcome the problems local governments are facing.
The author finds that, unlike alternative solutions, inter-municipal cooperation
preserves local autonomy, strengthening the capacity at the local level and ensuring the
implementation of territorial reforms that are conducted "from below", according to the needs
of the citizens. Inter-municipal cooperation, regardless of its form, is a type of decentralized
implementation of public services. Although it is suspected that the certain form of
concentration is achieved through integrated forms of cooperation, these tasks are still
performed within a level that is not central; the state does not take any additional role, which
would reduce the degree of independence of the entities that are not central, i.e. reduce the
decentralized character of these services, or which would strengthen the centralizing
tendencies of the state or strengthen state control.
In Europe, you can see many examples of very effective cooperation, which has
proved to be a solution not just for many structural problems of local government, but also
for the vertical government organization in general. IMC provided the solutions that
alternatively required radical changes in the territorial organization. Also, IMC proved to be a
mechanism that provided regional policy, development goals, public-private partnerships and
territorial harmonization.
The existing legislative framework of inter-municipal cooperation in Serbia mainly
emphasizes voluntary cooperation of individual local governments, without a hint of a
widespread or better controlled integration. Apart from the fact that the obligatory
cooperation is only an exception, even some of the fundamental questions of its establishment
and implementation are not regulated. The need for cooperation consists mainly in providing
the regional services and equitable development, in overcoming the limitations, as well as in
the more adequate use of local capacities. However, the regulatory framework does not
provide a reliable basis for the establishment of high quality, durable and effective
partnerships. Given the existence of asymmetric decentralization, one-level local
governments, uneven capacities, as well as the development of decentralized units in Serbia,
some of the solutions of inter-municipal cooperation can be considered a means of ensuring
regional requirements in countries that are characterized by similar solutions, i.e. problems,
without any change in the constitutional concept of decentralization. The main areas where
the promotion of decentralized systems can be established are regional and spatial
development planning, public utility services, tourism, civil and environment protection
services, local governments and so on.
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