Efekat pasivnog pušenja na oksidativni stres kod dece obolele od bronhijalne astme : doktorska disertacija
Slavković-Jovanović, Maja R.
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Autorstvo-Nekomercijalno 3.0 Srbija (CC BY-NC 3.0)
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Theses Type
PhD thesis
Other responsibilities
Stanković, Ivana
član komisije
Pejčić, Tatjana
član komisije
Manić, Predrag
član komisije
Jevtović-Stoimenov, Tatjana
član komisije
Stamenković, Hristina
Academic Expertise
Medicinske nauke
Univerzitet u Nišu
Medicinski fakultet
Katedra za pedijatriju
Title translated
Niš : [M. R. Slavković-Jovanović]
PDF/A (120 listova)
Umnoženo za odbranu.
Univerzitet u Nišu, Medicinski fakultet, 2014.
Bibliografija: listovi 87-103.
Sažetak ; Abstract.
Abstract (en)
It is assumed that high prevalence of asthma is consequently affected by the
environmental factors, uncovering preexisting susceptibility, by the activation of local
tissue specific operative genes with activation of inflammation in airways, involving the
participation of oxidative stress. In that way can be explained the influence of close
connected environmental factors, such as tobacco smoke exposure, which contributes to
the development of asthma.
The aim of our study is to examine the effects of passive smoking on oxidative
stress in chronic inflammation of air ways, in mild and moderate persistent asthma,
children aged 7-18. The study includes 110 children (80 of these with asthma and 30
healthy children). The asthmatics were divided into groups depending on tobacco smoke
exposure and also taking into account the status of applied corticosteroid therapy one
month before including them into the study. In vein blood samples in all participants
were determined the presence of cotinine, carboxyhaemoglobin levels, thiobarbuturate
acid reactive substances, the activity of super oxide dismutase and glutathione
peroxidase, levels of C reactive protein, the number of leucocytes and the percent of
eosinophiles in peripheral blood. In exhaled air, nitric oxide level was determined,
followed by the functional lung examination by spirometry, and the allergologic tests
were done to most frequent inhalatory allergens using prick test.
According to obtained results, it is concluded that in asthmatics persists elevated
oxidative stress and eosinophile inflammation in lungs, while passive smoking and
corticosteroid therapy have no effects on the level of thiobarbuturate acid reactive
substances, but they have effect on antioxidative capacity of examined enzymes. In
passive smoking asthmatics without corticosteroid therapy, the super oxide dismutase
activity was significantly lower. In passive smoking asthmatics with corticosteroid
therapy, the glutathione peroxidase was a significantly lower activity .
This study confirms a significant role of passive smoking reduction as a
prevention from the asthma development in children.
Authors Key words
Bronhijalna astma, oksidativni stres, pasivno pušenje, dečija astma
Authors Key words
oxidative stress, passive smoking, children asthma
Elektronska teza
Abstract (en)
It is assumed that high prevalence of asthma is consequently affected by the
environmental factors, uncovering preexisting susceptibility, by the activation of local
tissue specific operative genes with activation of inflammation in airways, involving the
participation of oxidative stress. In that way can be explained the influence of close
connected environmental factors, such as tobacco smoke exposure, which contributes to
the development of asthma.
The aim of our study is to examine the effects of passive smoking on oxidative
stress in chronic inflammation of air ways, in mild and moderate persistent asthma,
children aged 7-18. The study includes 110 children (80 of these with asthma and 30
healthy children). The asthmatics were divided into groups depending on tobacco smoke
exposure and also taking into account the status of applied corticosteroid therapy one
month before including them into the study. In vein blood samples in all participants
were determined the presence of cotinine, carboxyhaemoglobin levels, thiobarbuturate
acid reactive substances, the activity of super oxide dismutase and glutathione
peroxidase, levels of C reactive protein, the number of leucocytes and the percent of
eosinophiles in peripheral blood. In exhaled air, nitric oxide level was determined,
followed by the functional lung examination by spirometry, and the allergologic tests
were done to most frequent inhalatory allergens using prick test.
According to obtained results, it is concluded that in asthmatics persists elevated
oxidative stress and eosinophile inflammation in lungs, while passive smoking and
corticosteroid therapy have no effects on the level of thiobarbuturate acid reactive
substances, but they have effect on antioxidative capacity of examined enzymes. In
passive smoking asthmatics without corticosteroid therapy, the super oxide dismutase
activity was significantly lower. In passive smoking asthmatics with corticosteroid
therapy, the glutathione peroxidase was a significantly lower activity .
This study confirms a significant role of passive smoking reduction as a
prevention from the asthma development in children.
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