Inovacije u strateškim partnerstvima preduzeća : doktorska disertacija
Dukić, Ana Z.
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Autorstvo-Nekomercijalno-Bez prerade 3.0 Srbija (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0)
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Theses Type
Doktorska disertacija
Other responsibilities
Stefanović, Suzana 1968-
član komisije
Predić, Biljana
član komisije
Janošević, Stevo 1954-
Academic Expertise
Društveno-humanističke nauke
Univerzitet u Nišu
Ekonomski fakultet
Katedra za ekonomiku i organizaciju preduzeća
Title translated
Innovations in Strategic Partnerships between Companies
Niš : [А. Z. Dukić]
PDF/A (340 listova)
Umnoženo za odbranu.
Univerzitet u NIšu, Ekonomski fakultet, 2014.
Bibliografija: listovi 294-314.
Rezime ; Summary.
Abstract (en)
In the severe and dynamic battle to win a market share only strategic companies that
have incorporated a high level of flexibility and innovativeness in their business activities
survive. Finding convenient ways of creating competitive advantage in accordance with the
existing as well as with the anticipated situation on the market and the resources they draw on
is of outstanding importance for the survival of partnership. Helped by strategy of innovation,
companies that form strategics partnerships are finding ways to withstand competitive attacks
and achieve sustainable competitive advantage.
Technological innovation and technology are tangent to every aspect of functioning of
companies and their strategic partnerships. For the process of technological innovation to be
completely successful it is necessary to use new knowledge or a new combination of old
ones. By transferring knowledge its value increases, activities that represent mutual
satisfaction of all partner are stimulated, which helps in creating a solid knowledge base. By
forming the solid knowledge base, conditions for carrying out the process of technological
innovation are created.
Future business will requires bulk of innovations that can be, on the one hand
destabilizing force because they require changes within the company and strategic
partnership itself, but on the other hand, if they are verified on the market, they can provide
sustainable competitive advantage. Relating to these contrasting strengths of the present and
the future, managers should create a two-fold policy of strategic partnership innovativeness,
i.e. a policy for managing strategic partnership which supports stability and incremental
changes, on the one hand, as well as a policy which supports experimenting and
discontinuous changes, on the other. One of the ways of sustaining this healthy tension is to
create a system, which is focused on innovativeness. Hereby, attention to, importance and
position of strategic partnerships in the future will be increased, while still running
contemporary businesses.
Attracting and keeping foreign direct investments is the main goal of numerous
countries, considering they play an important role in creating new jobs, increasing export,
transferring of technology and business knowledge, achieving competitiveness, production
improvement, and finally reduction of poverty through overall economic growth and
development. Therefore, the objectives of development in Serbian economy have to include
more intensified foreign investments through strategic partnerships with the goal of growing
innovative activities and creating better domestic as well as the international market
positioning for our companies.
Authors Key words
Strateška partnerstva, konkurentnost, razvoj, inovacija, učenje i zvanje
Authors Key words
strategic partnerships, innovation, competitiveness, research and
development, learning, knowledge, Business Management
Elektronska teza
Abstract (en)
In the severe and dynamic battle to win a market share only strategic companies that
have incorporated a high level of flexibility and innovativeness in their business activities
survive. Finding convenient ways of creating competitive advantage in accordance with the
existing as well as with the anticipated situation on the market and the resources they draw on
is of outstanding importance for the survival of partnership. Helped by strategy of innovation,
companies that form strategics partnerships are finding ways to withstand competitive attacks
and achieve sustainable competitive advantage.
Technological innovation and technology are tangent to every aspect of functioning of
companies and their strategic partnerships. For the process of technological innovation to be
completely successful it is necessary to use new knowledge or a new combination of old
ones. By transferring knowledge its value increases, activities that represent mutual
satisfaction of all partner are stimulated, which helps in creating a solid knowledge base. By
forming the solid knowledge base, conditions for carrying out the process of technological
innovation are created.
Future business will requires bulk of innovations that can be, on the one hand
destabilizing force because they require changes within the company and strategic
partnership itself, but on the other hand, if they are verified on the market, they can provide
sustainable competitive advantage. Relating to these contrasting strengths of the present and
the future, managers should create a two-fold policy of strategic partnership innovativeness,
i.e. a policy for managing strategic partnership which supports stability and incremental
changes, on the one hand, as well as a policy which supports experimenting and
discontinuous changes, on the other. One of the ways of sustaining this healthy tension is to
create a system, which is focused on innovativeness. Hereby, attention to, importance and
position of strategic partnerships in the future will be increased, while still running
contemporary businesses.
Attracting and keeping foreign direct investments is the main goal of numerous
countries, considering they play an important role in creating new jobs, increasing export,
transferring of technology and business knowledge, achieving competitiveness, production
improvement, and finally reduction of poverty through overall economic growth and
development. Therefore, the objectives of development in Serbian economy have to include
more intensified foreign investments through strategic partnerships with the goal of growing
innovative activities and creating better domestic as well as the international market
positioning for our companies.
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