Primena Web2.0 tehnologija u poslovniminformacionim sistemima u cilju unapređenja efikasnosti Business Intelligence procesa : doktorska disertacija
Džunić, Željko
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Autorstvo-Nekomercijalno-Bez prerade 3.0 Srbija (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0)
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Theses Type
Doktorska disertacija
Other responsibilities
Jovanović, Radmila 1947-
Academic Expertise
Društveno-humanističke nauke
Univerzitet u Nišu
Ekonomski fakultet
Katedra za računovodstvo, matematiku i informatiku
Title translated
Niš : [Ž. Džunić]
PDF/A (314 listova)
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Univerzitet u Nišu, Ekonomski fakultet, 2014.
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Rezime ; Summary.
Abstract (en)
The emergence and development of Enterprise2.0 concept, which refers to the use of Web2.0 tools in business information systems, represents an innovative approach to managing business information and is increasingly applied in various business systems, regardless of their activity and size. The research presented in this thesis is based upon the assumption that there is a direct impact of Web2.0 technologies on certain aspects of the information systems, such as structuring and sharing information, communication and collaboration processes, and therefore on Business Intelligence (BI) processes. Reviewing the previous literature, not many attempts to bring concepts of Enterprise2.0 and BI a unique context were found, which called for further exploration of this issue. The up-to-date literature review on these relatively new concepts is presented, and theoretical considerations are supplemented with the empirical results of the implementation of the Enterprise2.0 concept in a real enterprise.
Theoretical and practical aspects of research in this dissertation are focused on examining the impact of the implementation of Web2.0 technologies in business information systems on the efficiency of information management in the enterprise. The emphasis is on identifying ways in which innovative technologies can be integrated into existing information systems, as well as how their key elements can contribute to improving the information analysis in the BI process.
Based on the identified problems of information management within the traditional information systems and the need for their adaptation to the new conditions, it is pointed to the characteristics of innovative technologies and concepts that could be applied to improve business information systems. The modes of implementation of Web2.0 technologies in business systems are presented, including the analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the offered solutions. The effects of the application of the proposed solutions are analysed in terms of their impact on the structuring of data, communication and collaboration activities, and finally, on different processes within the BI. Testing of the proposed model and empirical verification of the results of theoretical analysis are carried out by implementing the model within the selected enterprise, which indicated the specific Web2.0 tools that can achieve the expected effects on improving the process of gathering, structuring and exploitation of information in the decision making process.
Authors Key words
Poslovni informacioni sistemi, Business Intelligence, Enterprise2.0, Web 2.0, BI2.0
Authors Key words
Business information systems, Business Intelligence, Enterprise2.0, Web 2.0, BI2.0, Decision Support Systems, Informatics, Informatics and cybernetics in economics
Elektronska teza
Abstract (en)
The emergence and development of Enterprise2.0 concept, which refers to the use of Web2.0 tools in business information systems, represents an innovative approach to managing business information and is increasingly applied in various business systems, regardless of their activity and size. The research presented in this thesis is based upon the assumption that there is a direct impact of Web2.0 technologies on certain aspects of the information systems, such as structuring and sharing information, communication and collaboration processes, and therefore on Business Intelligence (BI) processes. Reviewing the previous literature, not many attempts to bring concepts of Enterprise2.0 and BI a unique context were found, which called for further exploration of this issue. The up-to-date literature review on these relatively new concepts is presented, and theoretical considerations are supplemented with the empirical results of the implementation of the Enterprise2.0 concept in a real enterprise.
Theoretical and practical aspects of research in this dissertation are focused on examining the impact of the implementation of Web2.0 technologies in business information systems on the efficiency of information management in the enterprise. The emphasis is on identifying ways in which innovative technologies can be integrated into existing information systems, as well as how their key elements can contribute to improving the information analysis in the BI process.
Based on the identified problems of information management within the traditional information systems and the need for their adaptation to the new conditions, it is pointed to the characteristics of innovative technologies and concepts that could be applied to improve business information systems. The modes of implementation of Web2.0 technologies in business systems are presented, including the analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the offered solutions. The effects of the application of the proposed solutions are analysed in terms of their impact on the structuring of data, communication and collaboration activities, and finally, on different processes within the BI. Testing of the proposed model and empirical verification of the results of theoretical analysis are carried out by implementing the model within the selected enterprise, which indicated the specific Web2.0 tools that can achieve the expected effects on improving the process of gathering, structuring and exploitation of information in the decision making process.
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